[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-l3build] master: assorted documentation tidyups (c82351d)
Will Robertson
will at wspr.io
Tue Dec 18 13:45:20 CET 2018
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/l3build
On branch : master
Link : https://github.com/latex3/l3build/commit/c82351dbdd142e1ca267e420915a1cc9156d78f3
commit c82351dbdd142e1ca267e420915a1cc9156d78f3
Author: Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Dec 12 22:19:37 2018 +1030
assorted documentation tidyups
l3build-upload.lua | 37 ++++++++++++-------------
l3build-variables.lua | 2 +-
l3build.dtx | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
diff --git a/l3build-upload.lua b/l3build-upload.lua
index 7f16ba4..c526998 100644
--- a/l3build-upload.lua
+++ b/l3build-upload.lua
@@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ for those people who are interested.
local curl_debug = curl_debug or false -- to disable posting
+-- For now, this is undocumented.
local ctanupload = ctanupload or "ask"
-- if ctanupload is nil or false, only validation is attempted
-- if ctanupload is true the ctan upload URL will be used after validation
-- if upload is anything else, the user will be prompted whether to upload.
+-- For now, this is undocumented. I think I would prefer to keep it always set to ask for the time being.
function upload()
@@ -63,35 +65,30 @@ function upload()
if bundle == "" then
bundle = nil
- uploaddata.pkg = uploaddata.pkg or bundle or module or nil
+ uploaddata.pkg = uploaddata.pkg or ctanpkg or nil
- ctan_post = uploadexe .. " "
+ ctan_post = curlexe .. " "
-- field max desc mandatory multi
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ctan_field("pkg", uploaddata.pkg, 32, "Package name", true, false )
- ctan_field("version", uploaddata.version, 32, "Package version", true, false )
+ ctan_field("announcement", uploaddata.announcement, 8192, "Announcement", false, false )
ctan_field("author", uploaddata.author, 128, "Author name", true, false )
- ctan_field("email", uploaddata.email, 255, "Email of uploader", true, false )
- ctan_field("uploader", uploaddata.uploader, 255, "Name of uploader", true, false )
+ ctan_field("bugtracker", uploaddata.bugtracker, 255, "URL of bug tracker", false, false )
ctan_field("ctanPath", uploaddata.ctanPath, 255, "CTAN path", false, false )
- ctan_field("license", uploaddata.license, 2048, "Package license(s)", true, true )
+ ctan_field("description", uploaddata.description, 4096, "Short description of package", false, false )
+ ctan_field("development", uploaddata.development, 255, "URL of development channels", false, true )
+ ctan_field("email", uploaddata.email, 255, "Email of uploader", true, false )
ctan_field("home", uploaddata.home, 255, "URL of home page", false, false )
- ctan_field("bugtracker", uploaddata.bugtracker, 255, "URL of bug tracker", false, false )
- ctan_field("support", uploaddata.support, 255, "URL of support channels", false, true )
+ ctan_field("license", uploaddata.license, 2048, "Package license(s)", true, true )
+ ctan_field("note", uploaddata.note, 4096, "Internal note to ctan", false, false )
+ ctan_field("pkg", uploaddata.pkg, 32, "Package name", true, false )
ctan_field("repository", uploaddata.repository, 255, "URL of source repositories", false, true )
- ctan_field("development", uploaddata.development, 255, "URL of development channels", false, true )
- ctan_field("update", uploaddata.update, 8, "True for an update, false for a new package", false, false )
+ ctan_field("summary", uploaddata.summary, 128, "One-line summary of package", true, false )
+ ctan_field("support", uploaddata.support, 255, "URL of support channels", false, true )
ctan_field("topic", uploaddata.topic, 1024, "Topic(s); see https://ctan.org/topics/highscore", false, true )
- ctan_field("announcement", uploaddata.announcement, 8192, "Announcement", false, false )
- ctan_field("summary", uploaddata.summary, 128, "One-line summary of package", true, false ) -- ctan-o-mat doc says optional
- ctan_field("description", uploaddata.description, 4096, "Short description of package", false, false )
- ctan_field("note", uploaddata.note, 4096, "Internal note to ctan", false, false )
- --[[
- Q: What about an explicit copyright string? CTAN packages have them
- listed. TODO: check these are all the fields.
- --]]
+ ctan_field("update", uploaddata.update, 8, "True for an update, false for a new package", false, false )
+ ctan_field("uploader", uploaddata.uploader, 255, "Name of uploader", true, false )
+ ctan_field("version", uploaddata.version, 32, "Package version", true, false )
-- construct the curl command
ctan_post = ctan_post .. " --form 'file=@" .. tostring(ctan_file) .. ";filename=" .. tostring(ctan_file) .. "'"
diff --git a/l3build-variables.lua b/l3build-variables.lua
index 9c8ad2b..1142c5f 100644
--- a/l3build-variables.lua
+++ b/l3build-variables.lua
@@ -187,6 +187,6 @@ tpfext = tpfext or ".tpf"
manifestfile = manifestfile or "MANIFEST.md"
-- Upload settings
-uploadexe = uploadexe or "curl"
+curlexe = curlexe or "curl"
uploaddata = uploaddata or {}
diff --git a/l3build.dtx b/l3build.dtx
index cd98ccf..a6e6c9d 100644
--- a/l3build.dtx
+++ b/l3build.dtx
@@ -96,21 +96,10 @@
\luavarset{typesetdemofiles} {\{\}}{Files to typeset before the documentation for inclusion in main documentation files}
\luavarset{typesetfiles} {\{"*.dtx"\}}{Files to typeset for documentation}
\luavarset{typesetsuppfiles} {\{\}}{Files needed to support typesetting when \enquote{sandboxed}}
-\luavarset{typesetsourcefiles}{\{\}}{Files to copy to unpacking when typesetting.}
-\luavarset{unpackfiles} {\{"*.ins"\}}{Files to run to perform unpacking.}
+\luavarset{typesetsourcefiles}{\{\}}{Files to copy to unpacking when typesetting}
+\luavarset{unpackfiles} {\{"*.ins"\}}{Files to run to perform unpacking}
\luavarset{unpacksuppfiles} {\{\}}{Files needed to support unpacking when \enquote{sandboxed}}
-\luavarset{bakext}{".bak"}{Extension of backup files}
-\luavarset{dviext}{".dvi"}{Extension of DVI files}
-\luavarset{lvtext}{".lvt"}{Extension of log-based test files}
-\luavarset{tlgext}{".tlg"}{Extension of test file output}
-\luavarset{tpfext}{".tpf"}{Extension of PDF-based test output}
-\luavarset{lveext}{".lve"}{Extension of auto-generating test file output}
-\luavarset{logext}{".log"}{Extension of checking output, before processing it into a \texttt{.tlg}}
-\luavarset{pvtext}{".pvt"}{Extension of PDF-based test files}
-\luavarset{pdfext}{".pdf"}{Extension of PDF file for checking and saving}
-\luavarset{psext} {".ps"} {Extension of PostScript files}
\luavarset{includetests}{\{"*"\}}{Test names to include when checking}
\luavarset{excludetests}{\{\}} {Test names to exclude when checking}
@@ -127,11 +116,18 @@
\luavarset{typesetexe}{"pdflatex"}{Executable for compiling \texttt{doc(s)}}
\luavarset{unpackexe} {"tex"} {Executable for running \texttt{unpack}}
\luavarset{zipexe} {"zip"} {Executable for creating archive with \texttt{ctan}}
+\luavarset{biberexe} {"biber"} {Biber executable}
+\luavarset{bibtexexe} {"bibtex8"} {\BibTeX{} executable}
+\luavarset{makeindexexe} {"makeindex"}{MakeIndex executable}
+\luavarset{curlexe} {"curl"}{Curl executable}
-\luavarset{checkopts} {"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when running checks.}
-\luavarset{typesetopts}{"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when typesetting.}
-\luavarset{unpackopts} {""} {Options based to engine when unpacking.}
-\luavarset{zipopts} {"-v -r -X"} {Options based to zip program.}
+\luavarset{checkopts} {"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when running checks}
+\luavarset{typesetopts}{"-interaction=nonstopmode"}{Options based to engine when typesetting}
+\luavarset{unpackopts} {""} {Options based to engine when unpacking}
+\luavarset{zipopts} {"-v -r -X"} {Options based to zip program}
+\luavarset{biberopts} {""} {Biber options}
+\luavarset{bibtexopts} {"-W"} {\BibTeX{} options}
+\luavarset{makeindexopts}{""} {MakeIndex options}
\luavarset{checksearch} {true}{Switch to search the system \texttt{texmf} for during checking}
\luavarset{typesetsearch}{true}{Switch to search the system \texttt{texmf} for during typesetting}
@@ -140,17 +136,10 @@
\luavarset{glossarystyle}{"gglo.ist"}{MakeIndex style file for glossary/changes creation}
\luavarset{indexstyle} {"gind.ist"}{MakeIndex style for index creation}
-\luavarset{biberexe} {"biber"} {Biber executable}
-\luavarset{biberopts} {""} {Biber options}
-\luavarset{bibtexexe} {"bibtex8"} {\BibTeX{} executable}
-\luavarset{bibtexopts} {"-W"} {\BibTeX{} options}
-\luavarset{makeindexexe} {"makeindex"}{MakeIndex executable}
-\luavarset{makeindexopts}{""} {MakeIndex options}
\luavarset{forcecheckepoch}{"true"} {Force epoch when running tests}
\luavarset{forcedocepoch} {"false"} {Force epoch when typesetting}
-\luavarset{asciiengines}{\{"pdftex"\}}{Engines which should log as sure ASCII}
+\luavarset{asciiengines}{\{"pdftex"\}}{Engines which should log as pure ASCII}
\luavarset{checkruns} {1} {Number of runs to complete for a test before comparing the log}
\luavarset{ctanreadme}{"README.md"} {Name of the file to send to CTAN as \texttt{README.\meta{ext}}}
\luavarset{ctanzip}{ctanpkg ... "-ctan"}{Name of the zip file created for upload to CTAN}
@@ -158,10 +147,24 @@
\luavarset{flatten} {true} {Switch to flatten any source structure when sending to CTAN}
\luavarset{maxprintline}{79} {Length of line to use in log files}
\luavarset{packtdszip} {false} {Switch to build a TDS-style zip file for CTAN}
-\luavarset{typesetcmds} {""} {Instructions to be passed to \TeX{} when doing typesetting.}
-\luavarset{typesetruns}{3} {Number of cycles of typesetting to carry out.}
+\luavarset{typesetcmds} {""} {Instructions to be passed to \TeX{} when doing typesetting}
+\luavarset{typesetruns}{3} {Number of cycles of typesetting to carry out}
\luavarset{recordstatus}{false} {Switch to include error level from test runs in \texttt{.tlg} files}
-\luavarset{manifestfile} {"MANIFEST.md"} {Filename to use for the manifest file.}
+\luavarset{manifestfile} {"MANIFEST.md"} {Filename to use for the manifest file}
+\luavarset{uploaddata} {\meta{table}} {Metadata to describe the package for CTAN (see Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup})}
+\luavarset{uploaddata.pkg}{ctanpkg}{Name of the CTAN package}
+\luavarset{bakext}{".bak"}{Extension of backup files}
+\luavarset{dviext}{".dvi"}{Extension of DVI files}
+\luavarset{lvtext}{".lvt"}{Extension of log-based test files}
+\luavarset{tlgext}{".tlg"}{Extension of test file output}
+\luavarset{tpfext}{".tpf"}{Extension of PDF-based test output}
+\luavarset{lveext}{".lve"}{Extension of auto-generating test file output}
+\luavarset{logext}{".log"}{Extension of checking output, before processing it into a \texttt{.tlg}}
+\luavarset{pvtext}{".pvt"}{Extension of PDF-based test files}
+\luavarset{pdfext}{".pdf"}{Extension of PDF file for checking and saving}
+\luavarset{psext} {".ps"} {Extension of PostScript files}
@@ -551,13 +554,14 @@
% \begin{buildcmd}{upload}
% This target uses \texttt{curl} to upload the package zip file (created using \texttt{ctan}) to CTAN.
% To control the metadata used to upload the package, the \texttt{uploaddata} table should be populated with a number of fields.
+% These are documented in Table~\ref{tab:upload-setup}.
% Missing required fields will result in an interactive prompt for manual entry.
% \end{buildcmd}
% \begin{table}
% \def\YES{\textbullet}
-% \caption{Fields used in the \texttt{uploaddata} setup table. Most commands require string input, but those that are indicated with `Multi' accept more than one entry using an array of strings.}
-% \label{tab:manifest-setup}
+% \caption{Fields used in the \texttt{uploaddata} setup table. The first section of fields are \emph{required} and if they are omitted the user will be interactively prompted for further input. Most commands take string input, but those that are indicated with `Multi' accept more than one entry using an array of strings.}
+% \label{tab:upload-setup}
% \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
% \centering
% \begin{tabular}{lccp{8cm}}
@@ -653,7 +657,7 @@
% \label{fig:module}
% \end{figure}
-% \subsection{Backward compatibly}
+% \subsection{Backwards compatability}
% Earlier releases of \pkg{l3build} required that the last line of
% \texttt{build.lua} ran the main script, \emph{i.e.}~ that \texttt{build.lua}
@@ -673,12 +677,14 @@
% Note that in time support for loading \pkg{l3build} by calling the
% \texttt{build.lua} script \emph{may} be removed: the recommended approach for
-% new scripts is to run \pkg{l3build}.
+% new scripts is to run \texttt{l3build}.
% \subsection{Variables}
% This section lists all variables defined in the |l3build.lua| script that are available for customisation.
+% \luavartypeset
% \subsection{Interaction between tests}
% Tests are run in a single directory, so whilst they are may be isolated from
@@ -688,8 +694,6 @@
% tests such that they do not use the same names for such files: this may lead
% to variable outcomes depending on the order in which tests are run.
-% \luavartypeset
% \subsection{Selective running of tests}
% The variables |includetests| and |excludetests| may be used to select which
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