[latex3-commits] [git/LaTeX3-latex3-l3build] ctan-post: copied from ctan-post repo (4671668)

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 01:18:01 CET 2018

Repository : https://github.com/latex3/l3build
On branch  : ctan-post
Link       : https://github.com/latex3/l3build/commit/4671668ef02df3fa2ba361179f2c995ec93aab96


commit 4671668ef02df3fa2ba361179f2c995ec93aab96
Author: David Carlisle <d.p.carlisle at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 21 20:43:42 2018 +0100

    copied from ctan-post repo


 l3build-ctan-post.lua |  254 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 254 insertions(+)

diff --git a/l3build-ctan-post.lua b/l3build-ctan-post.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50644ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l3build-ctan-post.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+-- ctan_upload
+-- takes a package configuration table and an optional boolean
+-- if the upload parameter is not supplied or is not true, only package validation
+-- is used, if upload is true then package upload will be attempted if validation
+-- succeeds.
+-- fields are given as a string, or optionally for fields allowing multiple
+-- values, as a table of strings.
+-- Mandatory fields are checked in Lua
+-- Maximum string lengths are checked.
+-- Currently string values are not checked, eg licence names, or URL syntax.
+-- The input form could be used to constrict a post body but
+-- luasec is not included in texlua.
+-- Instead an external program is used to post.
+-- As Windows (since April 2018) includes curl now default to curl.
+-- A global variable controls the backend to use.
+-- ctan_post_command=="curl"
+-- ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat"
+-- ctan-o-mat inroduces a dependency on perl but it is installed with texlive
+-- in the default path and is maintained by Gerd Neugebauer of the CTAN team.
+-- The ctan-o-mat configuration is written out as ctan-upload.txt
+-- in the current version it is a fixed name and not deleted after use,
+-- as a debugging aid.
+-- the main interface is
+-- ctan_upload (c,upload)
+-- with a configuration table c and optional upload parameter
+-- if upload is omitted or nil or false, onloy validation is attempted
+-- if upload is true the ctan upload URL will be used  after validation
+-- if upload is anything else, the user will beprompted whether to upload.
+curl_debug=false -- posting is disabled while testing
+function ctan_upload (c,upload)
+  if ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat" then
+    c.cfg = io.open("ctan-upload.txt","w")
+  else
+    if ctan_post_command=="curl" then
+      c.cfg="curl "
+    else
+      error("no https post command set")
+    end
+  end
+  --        cfg field max desc                   mandatory multi
+  --        ----------------------------------------------------
+  ctan_field(c,"pkg",32,"the package name",       true,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"version",32,"the package version",true,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"author",128,"the author name",    true,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"email",255,"the email of uploader",true,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"uploader",255,"the name of uploader",true,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"ctanPath",255,"the CTAN path",    false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"license",2048,"Package License",  true,true)
+  ctan_field(c,"home",255,"URL of home page",     false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"bugtracker",255,"URL of bug tracker",false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"support",255,"URL of support channels",false,true)
+  ctan_field(c,"repository",255,"URL of source repositories",false,true)
+  ctan_field(c,"development",255,"URL of development channels",false,true)
+  ctan_field(c,"update",8,",true for an update false otherwise",false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"topic",1024,"topic",              false,true)
+  ctan_field(c,"announcement",8192,"announcement",false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"summary",128,"summary",           true,false) -- ctan-o-mat doc says optional
+  ctan_field(c,"description",4096,"description",  false,false)
+  ctan_field(c,"note",4096,"internal note to ctan",false,false)
+  if ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat" then
+    ctan_field(c,"file",4096,"zip file to upload",  true,false)
+    io.close(c.cfg)
+  else
+    if ctan_post_command=="curl" then
+      c.cfg=c.cfg .. " --form 'file=@" .. tostring(c.file) .. ";filename=" .. tostring(c.file) .. "'"
+      c.cfg=c.cfg ..  " https://ctan.org/submit/"
+    else
+      error("no https post command set")
+    end
+  end
+  -- avoid lower level error from post command if zip file missing
+  local zip=io.open(trim_space(tostring(c.file)),"r")
+  if zip~=nil then
+    io.close(zip)
+  else
+    error("missing zip file " .. tostring(c.file))
+  end
+  -- call post command to validate the upload at CTAN's validate URL
+  local exit_status=0
+  local fp_return=""
+  if ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat" then
+    exit_status=os.execute("ctan-o-mat --validate ctan-upload.txt")
+  else
+    if ctan_post_command=="curl" then
+--    use popen not execute so get the return body local exit_status=os.execute(c.cfg .. "validate")
+      if(curl_debug==false) then
+        local fp = assert(io.popen(c.cfg .. "validate", 'r'))
+        fp_return = assert(fp:read('*a'))
+        fp:close()
+      else
+       fp_return="WARNING: curl_debug==true: posting disabled disabled"
+       print(c.cfg)
+      end
+      if string.match(fp_return,"WARNING") or string.match(fp_return,"ERROR") then
+       exit_status=1
+      end
+    else
+      error("no https post command set")
+    end
+  end
+  -- if upload requested and validation succeeded repost to the upload URL
+  if (exit_status==0 or exit_status==nil) then
+    if(upload ~=nil and upload ~=false and upload ~= true) then
+      print("Validation successful, do you want to upload to CTAN?" )
+      local answer=""
+      io.write("> ")
+      io.flush()
+      answer=io.read()
+      if(string.lower(answer,1,1)=="y") then
+        upload=true
+      end
+    end
+    if(upload==true) then
+      if ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat" then
+        exit_status=os.execute("ctan-o-mat ctan-upload.txt")
+      else
+        if ctan_post_command=="curl" then
+          local fp = assert(io.popen(c.cfg .. "upload", 'r'))
+          fp_return = assert(fp:read('*a'))
+          fp:close()
+--         this is just html, could save to a file
+--         or echo a cleaned up version
+          print('Response from CTAN:')
+          print(fp_return)
+          if string.match(fp_return,"WARNING") or string.match(fp_return,"ERROR") then
+            exit_status=1
+          end
+        else
+          error("no https post command set")
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      print("CTAN validation successful")
+    end
+  else
+    error("Warnings from CTAN package validation:\n" .. fp_return)
+  end
+function trim_space(s)
+  return (s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
+function ctan_field(c,f,max,desc,mandatory,multi)
+  if(type(c) ~= "table") then
+    error("The configuration argument must be a Lua table")
+  end
+  if(type(c[f])=="table" and multi==true) then
+    for i, v in pairs(c[f]) do
+      ctan_single_field(c,f,v,max,desc,mandatory and i==1)
+    end
+  else
+    ctan_single_field(c,f,c[f],max,desc,mandatory)
+  end
+-- for URL %-encoding but not used presently
+local char_to_hex = function(c)
+  return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c))
+function ctan_single_field(c,f,v,max,desc,mandatory)
+  if(v==nil or type(v)~="table") then
+    local vs=trim_space(tostring(v))
+    if (mandatory==true and (v == nil or vs=="")) then
+      error("The field " .. f .. " must contain " .. desc)
+    end
+    if(v ~=nil and string.len(vs) > 0) then
+      if (max > 0 and string.len(vs) > max) then
+        error("The field " .. f .. " is longer than " .. max)
+      end
+      if ctan_post_command=="ctan-o-mat" then
+        c.cfg:write("\n\\begin{" .. f .. "}\n" .. vs .. "\n\\end{" .. f .. "}\n")
+      else
+        if ctan_post_command=="curl" then
+-- curl supports using \" in " delimited strings but not \' in ' delimited omes
+--          c.cfg=c.cfg .." --form " .. f .. "='" .. vs:gsub("([^%w])",char_to_hex) .. "'"
+          c.cfg=c.cfg .." --form " .. f .. '="' .. vs:gsub('"','\\"') . '"'
+        else
+          error("no https post command set")
+	end
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    error("The value of the field '" .. f .."' must be a scalar not a table")
+  end
+-- function for interactive multiline fields
+function input_multi_line_field (name)
+  print("Enter " .. name .. "  three <return> or ctrl-D to stop")
+  local field=""
+  local answer_line
+  local return_count=0
+  repeat
+    io.write("> ")
+    io.flush()
+    answer_line=io.read()
+    if answer_line=="" then
+      return_count=return_count+1
+    else
+      for i=1,return_count,1 do
+        field = field .. "\n"
+      end
+      return_count=0
+      if answer_line~=nil then
+        field = field .. "\n" .. answer_line
+      end
+     end
+  until (return_count==3 or answer_line==nil)
+  return field
+function input_single_line_field(name)
+  print("Enter " .. name )
+  local field=""
+  io.write("> ")
+  io.flush()
+  field=io.read()
+  return field

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