[latex3-commits] [l3svn] branch master updated: l3build: provide table for demo file to include in typesetting

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Sat May 13 14:12:31 CEST 2017

On 13/05/2017 13:09, Bruno Le Floch wrote:
>>     l3build: provide table for demo file to include in typesetting
>>     Often, examples of the output a package can generate are included as
>>     images in the documentation, but should not be shipped themselves. A
>>     new variable cares for them. They are compiled before the
>>     documentation that includes them.
> I'd be wary of clashing with TeXLive(?)'s requirement that source files
> be included for the documentation too.  After all, these demo files are
> also source files.
> Bruno

I'll check on this: the sources should still be bundled up as for
typesetfiles, as you say.


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