[latex3-commits] [l3svn] branch master updated: Switch to luaotfload in format mode
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Sat Feb 18 18:21:43 CET 2017
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joseph pushed a commit to branch master
in repository l3svn.
The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
new 3721513 Switch to luaotfload in format mode
3721513 is described below
commit 37215133e487dee495efa6955f24016b50e3e537
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date: Sat Feb 18 17:20:03 2017 +0000
Switch to luaotfload in format mode
As LaTeX2e has gone this way it makes sense and means we can
potentially load a full family of fonts in format mode without
messing about. This also means some generic Lua is available which
may be useful.
Note that the font loading itself probably needs a little work: we
now can do things 'properly' or at least as well as 2e can do them,
just need to set up a bit more of the mechanisms.
l3kernel/fontloader.lua | 290 -----------------------------------------------
l3kernel/l3alloc.dtx | 24 ++++
l3kernel/l3format.ins | 2 +-
l3kernel/l3luatex.dtx | 91 +++------------
4 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-)
diff --git a/l3kernel/fontloader.lua b/l3kernel/fontloader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index acc9a4b..0000000
--- a/l3kernel/fontloader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
---- The fontloader uses the LuaTeX internal fontforge library (called
---- fontloader) to inspect an OpenType, a TrueType or a Type1 font. It
---- converts this font to a font structure TeX uses internally.
--- fontloader.lua
--- speedata publisher
--- Copyright 2010-2011 Patrick Gundlach.
--- See file COPYING in the root directory for license info.
---- Return `truetype`, `opentype` or `type1` depending on the string
---- `filename`. If not recognized form the file name, return _nil_.
---- This function simply looks at the last three letters.
-function guess_fonttype( filename )
- local f=filename:lower()
- if f:match(".*%.ttf$") then return "truetype"
- elseif f:match(".*%.otf$") then return "opentype"
- elseif f:match(".*%.pfb$") then return "type1"
- else return nil
- end
---- Return `true` if the this feature table `tab` has an entry for the
---- given `script` and `lang`. The table is something like:
---- [1] = {
---- ["langs"] = {
---- [1] = "AZE "
---- [2] = "CRT "
---- [3] = "TRK "
---- },
---- ["script"] = "latn"
---- },
-function features_scripts_matches( tab,script,lang )
- local lang = string.lower(lang)
- local script = string.lower(script)
- for i=1,#tab do
- local entry = tab[i]
- if string.lower(entry.script)==script then
- for j=1,#entry.langs do
- if string.lower(entry.langs[j])==lang then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
---- Convert codepoint to a UTF-16 string.
-function to_utf16(codepoint)
- assert(codepoint)
- if codepoint < 65536 then
- return string.format("%04X",codepoint)
- else
- return string.format("%04X%04X",codepoint / 1024 + 0xD800 ,codepoint % 1024 + 0xDC00)
- end
---- Return the string that is responsible for the OpenType feature `featurename`.
---- Currently only lookups are for script `latn` and language `dflt`.
-function find_feature_string(f,featurename)
- local ret = {}
- if f.gsub==nil then
- return ret
- end
- for i=1,#f.gsub do
- local gsub_tabelle=f.gsub[i]
- if gsub_tabelle.features then
- for j = 1,#gsub_tabelle.features do
- local gtf = gsub_tabelle.features[j]
- if gtf.tag==featurename and features_scripts_matches(gtf.scripts,"latn","dflt") then
- if #gsub_tabelle.subtables ~= 1 then
- -- w("warning: #subtables in gpos != 1")
- end
- ret[#ret + 1] = gsub_tabelle.subtables[1].name
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ret
---- LuaTeX's fontloader (function `to_table()`) returns a rather complex table
---- with all kinds of information. Loading this table is expensive (_todo:
---- measure it_), so we don't load it over and over agin if the user
---- requests the same font in a different size. We also cache the `to_unicode` mapping.
---- Only the size dependent values are computed.
-local lookup_fonttable_from_filename = {}
---- For define_font() we extend our file list
-local fontlist = {}
-local fp = os.getenv("SP_FONT_PATH")
-if fp ~= "" then
- for _,dir in ipairs(string.explode(fp,":")) do
- for i in dirtree(dir) do
- local filename = i:gsub(".*/([^/]+)$","%1")
- fontlist[filename] = i
- end
- end
---- Return a TeX usable font table, or _nil_ plus an error message.
---- The parameter `name` is the filename (without path), `size` is
---- given in scaled points, `extra_parameter` is a table such as:
---- {
---- ["space"] = "25"
---- ["marginprotrusion"] = "100"
---- ["otfeatures"] = {
---- ["smcp"] = "true"
---- },
---- },
-function define_font(name, size,extra_parameter)
- local extra_parameter = extra_parameter or {}
- local fonttable
- if lookup_fonttable_from_filename[name] then
- fonttable=lookup_fonttable_from_filename[name]
- assert(fonttable)
- else
- -- These are stored in the cached fonttable table
- local filename_with_path
- local lookup_codepoint_by_name = {}
- local lookup_codepoint_by_number = {}
- filename_with_path = kpse.filelist[name] or fontlist[name]
- if not filename_with_path then return false, string.format("Fontfile '%s' not found.", name) end
- local font, err = fontloader.open(filename_with_path)
- if not font then
- if type(err) == "string" then
- return false, err
- else
- printtable("Font error",err)
- end
- end
- fonttable = fontloader.to_table(font)
- if fonttable == nil then return false, string.format("Problem while loading font '%s'",tostring(filename_with_path)) end
- -- Store the table for quicker lookup later.
- lookup_fonttable_from_filename[name]=fonttable
- fonttable.filename_with_path = filename_with_path
- local is_unicode = (fonttable.pfminfo.unicoderanges ~= nil)
- --- We require a mapping glyph number -> unicode codepoint. The problem is
- --- that TTF/OTF fonts have a different encoding mechanism. TTF/OTF can be
- --- accessed via the table `fonttable.map.backmap` (the key is the glyph
- --- number, the value is glyph name). For Type 1 fonts we use
- --- `glyph.unicode` and `glyph.name` for the codepoint and the name.
- ---
- --- For kerning a mapping glyphname -> codepoint is needed.
- if is_unicode then
- -- TTF/OTF, use map.backmap
- for i = 1,#fonttable.glyphs do
- local g=fonttable.glyphs[i]
- lookup_codepoint_by_name[g.name] = fonttable.map.backmap[i]
- lookup_codepoint_by_number[i] = fonttable.map.backmap[i]
- end
- else
- -- Type1, use glyph.unicode
- for i = 1,#fonttable.glyphs do
- local g=fonttable.glyphs[i]
- lookup_codepoint_by_name[g.name] = g.unicode
- lookup_codepoint_by_number[i] = g.unicode
- end
- end -- is unicode
- fonttable.lookup_codepoint_by_name = lookup_codepoint_by_name
- fonttable.lookup_codepoint_by_number = lookup_codepoint_by_number
- end
- --- A this point we have taken the `fonttable` from memory or from `fontloader#to_table()`. The next
- --- part is mostly size/features dependent.
- if (size < 0) then size = (- 655.36) * size end
- -- Some fonts have `units_per_em` set to 0. I am not sure if setting this to
- -- 1000 in that case has any drawbacks.
- if fonttable.units_per_em == 0 then fonttable.units_per_em = 1000 end
- local mag = size / fonttable.units_per_em
- --- The table `f` is the font structure that TeX can use, see chapter 7 of the LuaTeX manual for a detailed description. This is returned from
- --- the function. It is safe to store additional data here.
- local f = { }
- -- The index of the characters table must match the glyphs in the
- -- "document". It is wise to have everything in unicode, so we do keep that
- -- in mind when filling the characters subtable.
- f.characters = { }
- f.fontloader = fonttable
- if extra_parameter and extra_parameter.otfeatures and extra_parameter.otfeatures.smcp then
- f.smcp = find_feature_string(fonttable,"smcp")
- end
- if extra_parameter and extra_parameter.otfeatures and extra_parameter.otfeatures.onum then
- f.onum = find_feature_string(fonttable,"onum")
- end
- f.otfeatures = extra_parameter.otfeatures -- OpenType Features (smcp,...)
- f.name = fonttable.fontname
- f.fullname = fonttable.fontname
- f.designsize = size
- f.size = size
- f.direction = 0
- f.filename = fonttable.filename_with_path
- f.type = 'real'
- f.encodingbytes = 2
- f.tounicode = 1
- f.stretch = 40
- f.shrink = 30
- f.step = 10
- f.auto_expand = true
- f.parameters = {
- slant = 0,
- space = ( extra_parameter.space or 25 ) / 100 * size,
- space_stretch = 0.3 * size,
- space_shrink = 0.1 * size,
- x_height = 0.4 * size,
- quad = 1.0 * size,
- extra_space = 0
- }
- f.format = guess_fonttype(name)
- if f.format==nil then return false,"Could not determine the type of the font '".. fonttable.filename_with_path .."'." end
- f.embedding = "subset"
- f.cidinfo = fonttable.cidinfo
- for i=1,#fonttable.glyphs do
- local glyph = fonttable.glyphs[i]
- local codepoint = fonttable.lookup_codepoint_by_number[i]
- -- TeX uses U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS for hyphen, correct would be U+2012 HYPHEN.
- -- Because font vendors all have different ideas of hyphen, we just map all
- -- occurrences of *HYPHEN* to 0x2D (decimal 45)
- if glyph.name:lower():match("^hyphen$") then codepoint=45 end
- f.characters[codepoint] = {
- index = i,
- width = glyph.width * mag,
- name = glyph.name,
- expansion_factor = 1000,
- }
- -- Height and depth of the glyph
- if glyph.boundingbox[4] then f.characters[codepoint].height = glyph.boundingbox[4] * mag end
- if glyph.boundingbox[2] then f.characters[codepoint].depth = -glyph.boundingbox[2] * mag end
- --- We change the `tounicode` entry for entries with a period. Sometimes fonts
- --- have entries like `a.sc` or `a.c2sc` for smallcaps letter a. We are
- --- only interested in the part before the period.
- --- _This solution might not be perfect_.
- if glyph.name:match("%.") then
- local destname = glyph.name:gsub("^([^%.]*)%..*$","%1")
- local cp = fonttable.lookup_codepoint_by_name[destname]
- if cp then
- f.characters[codepoint].tounicode=to_utf16(cp)
- end
- end
- --- Margin protrusion is enabled in `spinit.lua`.
- if (glyph.name=="hyphen" or glyph.name=="period" or glyph.name=="comma") and extra_parameter and type(extra_parameter.marginprotrusion) == "number" then
- f.characters[codepoint]["right_protruding"] = glyph.width * extra_parameter.marginprotrusion / 100
- end
- --- We do kerning by default. In the future we could turn it off.
- local kerns={}
- if glyph.kerns then
- for _,kern in pairs(glyph.kerns) do
- local dest = fonttable.lookup_codepoint_by_name[kern.char]
- if dest and dest > 0 then
- kerns[dest] = kern.off * mag
- else
- end
- end
- end
- f.characters[codepoint].kerns = kerns
- end
- return true,f
--- End of file
diff --git a/l3kernel/l3alloc.dtx b/l3kernel/l3alloc.dtx
index f0a3ac6..9be0886 100644
--- a/l3kernel/l3alloc.dtx
+++ b/l3kernel/l3alloc.dtx
@@ -116,6 +116,30 @@
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{variable}
+% \begin{variable}
+% {
+% \e at alloc@attribute at count ,
+% \e at alloc@whatsit at count ,
+% \e at alloc@bytecode at count ,
+% \e at alloc@luachunk at count
+% }
+% To allow \LuaTeX{} to load |ltluatex.lua| for generic \Lua{} support, a
+% small number of counts have to be correctly named at the \TeX{} level.
+% At present there are no \pkg{expl3} allocators for these concepts so the
+% numbers, \emph{etc.}, may well change here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\etex_ifdefined:D \luatex_luatexversion:D
+ \group_begin:
+ \tex_catcode:D `\@ = 11 ~
+ \tex_global:D \tex_countdef:D \e at alloc@attribute at count = 21 ~
+ \tex_global:D \tex_countdef:D \e at alloc@whatsit at count = 22 ~
+ \tex_global:D \tex_countdef:D \e at alloc@bytecode at count = 23 ~
+ \tex_global:D \tex_countdef:D \e at alloc@luachunk at count = 24 ~
+ \group_end:
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{variable}
% \begin{macro}
% {\box_new:N, \dim_new:N, \int_new:N, \muskip_new:N \skip_new:N}
% Each of the public allocators is a wrapper around the one internal
diff --git a/l3kernel/l3format.ins b/l3kernel/l3format.ins
index e77e89e..cea3df3 100644
--- a/l3kernel/l3format.ins
+++ b/l3kernel/l3format.ins
@@ -126,6 +126,6 @@ Do not distribute a modified version of this file.
\generate{\file{expl3.lua} {\from{l3luatex.dtx}{lua,package}}}
diff --git a/l3kernel/l3luatex.dtx b/l3kernel/l3luatex.dtx
index efdcdb1..baef9af 100644
--- a/l3kernel/l3luatex.dtx
+++ b/l3kernel/l3luatex.dtx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% \iffalse meta-comment
-%% File: l3luatex.dtx Copyright (C) 2010-2016 The LaTeX3 Project
+%% File: l3luatex.dtx Copyright (C) 2010-2017 The LaTeX3 Project
% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this
@@ -277,96 +277,35 @@ l3kernel.charcat = charcat
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Generic \Lua{} and font support}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{Format mode code: font loader}
+% A small amount of generic code is used by almost all \LuaTeX{} material so
+% needs to be loaded by the format.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
-% In format mode, there needs to be a font loader available to let us
-% use OpenType fonts. For testing, this is provided by
-% \texttt{fontloader.lua} from the Speedata Publisher system
-% (\url{https://github.com/speedata/publisher}). The code there is designed
-% to be self-contained and has a certain number of build-in assumptions,
-% so there is a small amount of compatibility required.
-% The code we load looks up \texttt{texmf} tree files using
-% \texttt{kpse.filelist}, which isn't part of the standard \texttt{kpse}
-% library. The interface is emulated using metatable.
+% With the above available the font loader code used by plain \TeX{} and
+% \LaTeXe{} when used with \LuaTeX{} can be loaded here. This is thus being
+% treated more-or-less as part of the engine itself.
% \begin{macrocode}
-kpse.filelist = setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function (t, key)
- return kpse.lookup(key)
- end
+local _void = luaotfload.main()
% \end{macrocode}
-% There is a built-in assumption in \texttt{fontloader.lua} that various
-% environmental variables are set. We deal with that by intercepting the
-% relevant names and returning something sane.
% \begin{macrocode}
-local os_getenv = os.getenv
-function os.getenv (var)
- if var == "SP_FONT_PATH" then return "" end
- return os_getenv(var)
% \end{macrocode}
-% As detailed in
-% \url{https://github.com/speedata/publisher/blob/develop/COPYING}, the current
-% license for Speedata Publisher is \textsc{AGPLv3}. We therefore only
-% load the file and use its public interfaces rather than copying/modifying
-% the code itself. Note though that we do have permission to use
-% \texttt{fontloader.lua} as a public domain work
-% (\url{http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/27273687#27273687}):
-% if we want to develop a richer loader we may want to take advantage of that
-% (which also applies to the simple shaper in the related \texttt{fonts.lua}
-% file).
-% \begin{macrocode}
-local fontloader = require("fontloader.lua")
-% \end{macrocode}
-% That done, register a callback which at present simply passes everything
-% through. There's no attempt to pick up font settings (which presumably
-% will be needed). Syntax is coerced to the same as for \XeTeX{}.
% \begin{macrocode}
- function (name, size, id)
- local opts, opttab, otfeatures = "", { }, { }
- if string.match(name, "^%[") then
- name, opts = string.match(name, "^%[([^%]]*)%][^:]*:?(.*)")
- end
- if opts ~= "" then
- for _,kv in ipairs(string.explode(opts,";")) do
- if string.match(kv, "=") then
- local k, v = string.match(kv, "([^=]*)=?(.*)")
- opttab[k] = v
- else
- if string.match(kv, "^+") then
- otfeatures[string.sub(kv,2,-1)] = "true"
- elseif string.match(kv, "^-") then
- otfeatures[string.sub(kv,2,-1)] = "false"
- else
- otfeatures[kv] = "true"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if next(otfeatures) then
- opttab["otfeatures"] = otfeatures
- end
- return select(2, fontloader.define_font(name, size, opttab))
- end
% \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
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