[latex3-commits] [git/latex3] master: draft0 for l3news (28134df)
Frank Mittelbach
frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
Fri Dec 8 12:07:33 CET 2017
Repository : https://github.com/latex3/latex3
On branch : master
Link : https://github.com/latex3/latex3/commit/28134df0ad95ead2e06ae9371331be4c7179cb4a
commit 28134df0ad95ead2e06ae9371331be4c7179cb4a
Author: Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org>
Date: Fri Dec 8 12:07:33 2017 +0100
draft0 for l3news
news/l3news11.tex | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 209 insertions(+)
diff --git a/news/l3news11.tex b/news/l3news11.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a1efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/news/l3news11.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+% Copyright 2017 The LaTeX3 Project
+ \renewcommand*{\LaTeXNews}{\LaTeX3~News}%
+ \RaggedRight
+ \setlength\parindent{1em}%
+% Avoid hyphenation of csnames
+ \noexpand\path{\@backslashchar#1}%
+\textbf{Skeleton for next l3news ... sections to be added and filled in}
+There has been something of a gap since the last \LaTeX3 News, but this does
+not mean that work has not been going on. The Team have been working on a
+number of areas, many of which reflect wider take-up of \pkg{expl3}. There have
+also been a number of significant new developments in the \LaTeX3
+\enquote{sphere} in the last year.
+\section{Move of sources from SVN to Git}
+For a long time we maintained the \LaTeX3 sources in SVN but also provided a
+readonly clone of them on Github using a software from \textbf{provide
+ name} to syncronize the two repositories---a solution that worked very well.
+We have now retired the SVN repository and completely moved over to
+\section{\pkg{expl3} updates and extensions throughout the year}
+\textbf{just a list of change notes, to be expanded and/or partially dropped}
+\item Remove deprecated function \cs{scan_align_safe_stop:}
+\item Remove deprecated key properties \texttt{.value_required:}
+ and \texttt{.value_forbidden:}
+\item Bug fix for \cs{l_char_active_seq}
+\item Index improvements in interface3/source3
+\item Improve internal robustness of l3sort
+\item Better uniformity for \texttt{rand()} and related
+ FPU functions
+\item Basic key inheritance in l3keys
+\item New experimental functions for selecting random
+ entries in seq data, etc.
+In this release the l3sort module is integrated
+into l3kernel and so available directly on loading
+expl3. As part of this move, the 'result' functions
+have been renamed to
+\item \cs{sort_return_same:}
+\item \cs{sort_return_swapped:}
+with the older names (\cs{sort_ordered:} and
+\cs{sort_reversed:}) retained until the end of 2018.
+This release also extends l3docstrip to aid with
+the LaTeX23 'boundary': the notation \cs{@@@@par} in a
+source will now yield \cs{@@par} in the live code.
+\subsection{Boolean functions}
+This release marks the functions
+\cs{bool_lazy_any:n(TF)} and
+as stable. This will be followed at a later date by a change in
+\cs{bool_if:n(TF)}, which will move to being greedy: this change is
+necessary as there are circumstances under which \cs{bool_if:n(TF)}
+currently fails with a low-level error due to lazy evaluation.
+Package authors are encouraged to consider employing these new functions
+where appropriate.
+\subsection{Version identifiers}
+From this release the SVN \verb=$Id= lines are removed from \LaTeX3 sources. The
+function \cs{GetIdInfo} is deprecated from this release, and the team
+recommend that package authors include version information directly in
+\cs{ProvidesExplPackage} (or similar) lines.
+\item New \cs{hbox_set_to_wd:Nnw} and \cs{vbox_set_to_ht:Nnw} functions
+\item Revised l3file module to give better defined
+ path/file/extension split
+\item New experimental functions in l3file: \cs{file_input_stop:},
+ \cs{file_get_mdfive_hash:nN}, \cs{file_get_size:nN} and
+ \cs{file_get_timestamp:nN}; currently \hologo{XeTeX} does not support
+ getting file size/timestamp
+\item New experimental \cs{mode_leave_vertical:} as a code-level
+ equivalent of \cs{leavevmode}
+\item New experimental support for shell escape in l3sys module
+\item New mechanism for checking variable declarations locally:
+ see option "enable-debug" and
+ \cs{debug_check_declarations_(on|off)}:
+\item More invalid regex patterns trapped with warning
+\item More regex documentation examples
+\item Bug fix for \cs{tl_mixed_case:n(n)} with \hologo{pdfTeX} when the first
+ character is outside the ASCII range
+\item Fix nesting of selective setting in l3keys
+ \item Fix loading of l3str-format
+ \item Fix handling of \cs{iow_newline:} in \cs{iow_wrap:nnnN}
+ \item \cs{cs_generate_variant:Nn} now warns on incorrect variant
+ relationships
+ \item Better recovery by \cs{dim_set:Nn}, etc., if passed
+ skip expressions
+ \item Better handling of global/local consistency in variable
+ setting
+ \item String mappings now include space characters
+ \item Revise l3doc to no longer require "[aux]" (deprecated) or
+ "[int]" in code mark up: "[int]" is retained for cases where
+ auto-detection of internals is not possible
+ \item Deprecate \cs{token_new:Nn}
+ \item Documentation improvements
+\section{Wrong use of \cs{cs_generate_variant:Nn}}
+\textbf{discuss why we are going to disallow some versions}
+\section{\pkg{l3build} updates throughout the year}
+\textbf{just a list of change notes, to be expanded and/or partially dropped}
+\item Retain test file name in .tlg files
+\item Normalise out paths for image files
+\item Macro support (regression-test.tex) updated such that
+ all macros are documented, with some used for LaTeX2e kernel
+ work removed
+\item New typesetsourcefiles variables
+\item Support for subdirectory structures in sources
+Moved \pkg{l3build} to its own repository:
+\item Normalisation extended to cover
+ register allocation and
+ \cs{show} applied to boxes
+\item New typesetruns variable
+\item Documentation improvements
+\textbf{.tlg files may be needed for this release}
+\section{Looking forward}
+ \raggedright
+ \bibitem{project-publications}
+ Links to various publications by members of the \LaTeX{} Project Team.
+ \newblock \url{https://www.latex-project.org/publications}.
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