[latex3-commits] [l3svn] branch master updated: Avoid needing to search the local tree for l3ldb tests

noreply at latex-project.org noreply at latex-project.org
Thu Jun 16 14:21:48 CEST 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

joseph pushed a commit to branch master
in repository l3svn.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
       new  2740b6d   Avoid needing to search the local tree for l3ldb tests
2740b6d is described below

commit 2740b6dc6b8430cc6e5886487a4594daffbb1927
Author: Joseph Wright <joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk>
Date:   Thu Jun 16 13:14:42 2016 +0100

    Avoid needing to search the local tree for l3ldb tests
    There is not a lot used from the tree: certainly we
    can have article/size10 available.
 l3trial/l3ldb/build.lua |    8 +-
 support/article.cls     |  639 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 support/size10.clo      |  243 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 888 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/l3trial/l3ldb/build.lua b/l3trial/l3ldb/build.lua
index 2ff4741..f9ecbb1 100644
--- a/l3trial/l3ldb/build.lua
+++ b/l3trial/l3ldb/build.lua
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@ module = "l3ldb"
 -- Location of main directory: use Unix-style path separators
 maindir = "../.."
--- Non-standard settings
-checksearch = true
+checksuppfiles  = checksuppfiles  or
+  {
+    "article.cls",
+    "regression-test.cfg",
+    "size10.clo",
+  }
 -- Load the common build code: this is the one place that a path needs to be
 -- hard-coded
diff --git a/support/article.cls b/support/article.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a57d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/article.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+%% This is file `article.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% classes.dtx  (with options: `article')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% The source is maintained by the LaTeX Project team and bug
+%% reports for it can be opened at http://latex-project.org/bugs.html
+%% (but please observe conditions on bug reports sent to that address!)
+%% Copyright 1993-2016
+%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+%% in this file.
+%% This file was generated from file(s) of the LaTeX base system.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
+%% base system. You may however distribute the LaTeX base system without
+%% such generated files.
+%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
+%% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
+%% information.
+%% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution
+%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
+%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
+              [2014/09/29 v1.4h
+ Standard LaTeX document class]
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+               {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
+                        \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}}
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+        \end{center}%
+        \quotation
+      \fi}
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+                \list{}{\itemsep      \z@
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+                        \listparindent\itemindent
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+                \item\relax}
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+                \item\relax}
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+  \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+  \gdef\thesection{\@Alph\c at section}}
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+               {\end at float}
+               {\@dblfloat{figure}}
+               {\end at dblfloat}
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+\def\fps at table{tbp}
+\def\ftype at table{2}
+\def\ext at table{lot}
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+               {\@float{table}}
+               {\end at float}
+               {\@dblfloat{table}}
+               {\end at dblfloat}
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+  \vskip\belowcaptionskip}
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+        \@mkboth{%
+           \MakeUppercase\contentsname}{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}}%
+    \@starttoc{toc}%
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+      {\leavevmode
+       \large \bfseries #1\hfil \hb at xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par
+       \nobreak
+       \if at compatibility
+         \global\@nobreaktrue
+         \everypar{\global\@nobreakfalse\everypar{}}%
+      \fi
+    \endgroup
+  \fi}
+\newcommand*\l at section[2]{%
+  \ifnum \c at tocdepth >\z@
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+    \addvspace{1.0em \@plus\p@}%
+    \setlength\@tempdima{1.5em}%
+    \begingroup
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+    \endgroup
+  \fi}
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+\newcommand*\l at subparagraph{\@dottedtocline{5}{10em}{5em}}
+    \section*{\listfigurename}%
+      \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
+              {\MakeUppercase\listfigurename}%
+    \@starttoc{lof}%
+    }
+\newcommand*\l at figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
+    \section*{\listtablename}%
+      \@mkboth{%
+          \MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
+         {\MakeUppercase\listtablename}%
+    \@starttoc{lot}%
+    }
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+     {\section*{\refname}%
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+      \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c at enumiv}}%
+           {\settowidth\labelwidth{\@biblabel{#1}}%
+            \leftmargin\labelwidth
+            \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+            \@openbib at code
+            \usecounter{enumiv}%
+            \let\p at enumiv\@empty
+            \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c at enumiv}}%
+      \sloppy
+      \clubpenalty4000
+      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
+      \widowpenalty4000%
+      \sfcode`\.\@m}
+     {\def\@noitemerr
+       {\@latex at warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+      \endlist}
+\newcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em}
+\let\@openbib at code\@empty
+               {\if at twocolumn
+                  \@restonecolfalse
+                \else
+                  \@restonecoltrue
+                \fi
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+                \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
+                        {\MakeUppercase\indexname}%
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+                \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
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+                \columnsep 35\p@
+                \let\item\@idxitem}
+               {\if at restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi}
+\newcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@}
+\newcommand\subitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{20\p@}}
+\newcommand\subsubitem{\@idxitem \hspace*{30\p@}}
+\newcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus3\p@\relax}
+  \kern-3\p@
+  \hrule\@width.4\columnwidth
+  \kern2.6\p@}
+    \parindent 1em%
+    \noindent
+    \hb at xt@1.8em{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}
+\newcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures}
+\newcommand\listtablename{List of Tables}
+  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+  \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\if at twoside
+  \raggedbottom
+\if at twocolumn
+  \twocolumn
+  \sloppy
+  \flushbottom
+  \onecolumn
+%% End of file `article.cls'.
diff --git a/support/size10.clo b/support/size10.clo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d4f171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/size10.clo
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%% This is file `size10.clo',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% classes.dtx  (with options: `10pt')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% The source is maintained by the LaTeX Project team and bug
+%% reports for it can be opened at http://latex-project.org/bugs.html
+%% (but please observe conditions on bug reports sent to that address!)
+%% Copyright 1993-2016
+%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+%% in this file.
+%% This file was generated from file(s) of the LaTeX base system.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
+%% base system. You may however distribute the LaTeX base system without
+%% such generated files.
+%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
+%% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
+%% information.
+%% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution
+%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
+%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
+              [2014/09/29 v1.4h
+      Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
+   \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt\@xiipt
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+  \setlength\marginparsep{11\p@}
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+  \fi
+  \if at twocolumn
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+     \setlength\evensidemargin {30\p@}
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+  \addtolength\topmargin{-\footskip}     % this might be wrong!
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+\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
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+\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
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+              \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+\def\@listv  {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
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+\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
+              \labelwidth\leftmarginvi
+              \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
+%% End of file `size10.clo'.

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