[latex3-commits] [l3svn] 05/06: Revise README

Bruno Le Floch blflatex at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 16:38:46 CEST 2015

(In the l3experimental README.md)

> +part of the bundle is `l3regex`, a regular expression search-and-replace
>  implementation written in TeX primitives. The regex module works on a
> string
>  basis, ignoring category codes.

That's actually not true anymore (for several years).  Sorry that I
didn't fix the README when changing l3regex.  The only reason I've put
l3regex into the l3str bundle is that l3regex uses lots of strings
(and in fact perhaps fewer than I thought).  I'll need to reconsider
and perhaps split l3str/ into l3str/ and l3regex/.  Anyways, could you
fix the README to say something like "The regex module works on token
lists, and is only included in the l3str/ bundle for historical


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