[l2h] Please update latex2html package details on CTAN

David Ward david.ward at ll.mit.edu
Sat Feb 9 20:02:11 CET 2019


I assume latex2html has officially moved to GitHub 
(https://github.com/latex2html/latex2html/)? The latest release uploaded 
there is version 2019.

On CTAN (https://ctan.org/pkg/latex2html), the "Sources" link points to 
a folder that contains releases only up to version 2018. The 
"Documentation" links seem quite out-of-date and contains many dead URLs 
(to content previously hosted at Macquarie University, University of 
Leeds, Argonne National Laboratory, and Max Planck Institute for 
Extraterrestrial Physics).

Can the latex2html package information please be updated on CTAN?

For comparison, the "svg" package on CTAN (https://ctan.org/pkg/svg) has 
links for a "Home page", "Bug tracker", and "Repository" which all point 
to Github. The "Documentation" link has the same content as the 
README.md file in the Github repository.

Thanks for your help!


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