[l2h] Installing problems

Roy Hogan rehogan55 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 18:26:35 CET 2019

Hi Shigeharu,

Thanks for your reply.  Sorry that I was not clear in my message.  I am
running CentOS 8 with virtualbox on a Windows 10 machine.  I was missing the
perview style and once I installed that, it would pass the "make test"
check.   I have figures in eps format and never was able to get the svg
images to work correctly.   I think your option 3 has solved that issue.  

Thanks again for your reply.  I appreciate it!   

Thanks again!  

Roy  Hogan

-----Original Message-----
From: Shigeharu TAKENO <shige at iee.niit.ac.jp> 
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2019 12:44 AM
To: latex2html at tug.org
Cc: Roy Hogan <rehogan55 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [l2h] Installing problems

shige 12/16 2019

Roy Hogan wrote:
| I am trying to install latex2html 2019.2 and cannot get past the "make
| step.  My installation appears to be missing preview.sty.   Is this style
| file part of the distribution or not?  If the installation needs it, 
| seems like it would be part of the package.  Any advice would be

Current latex2html (2018.3 or after) uses preview package, but it it is not
included in latex2html distributions.

1) Preview package is included in some TeX systems like as TeXLive or
MiKTeX. If you use such TeX systems, you don't need to install it.

2) Preview package is available on CTAN site:


If you download and install it on your PC, the problem may be solved.

3) latex2html (2018.3 or after) uses the preview package when USE_DVIPNG
(default), or IMAGE_TYPE = svg (default). So, if you specify options 

  -nouse_dvipng -image_type=png

to latex2html, the problem may not occur. At "make test", please

  make test "ARGS=-nouse_dvipng -image_type=png"

But, If you want svg images for equations, you should follow 1) or 2).

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
 shige at iee.niit.ac.jp   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161

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