[l2h] Installation conflict

Paulo Ney DE SOUZA paulo at berkeley.edu
Sun Jan 22 09:32:00 CET 2017

Today trying out some installation of the l2h code in the repository I met
a rather unusual problem. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this.
If you try to install latex2html from the sources at GitHub, with the

  make install

and you do NOT have a local (personal) texmf tree -- the installation
proceeds fine, and places a bunch of files from latex2htmlmaster/texinputs/


Note: trying to install LaTeX2HTML style files in TeX directory tree
Info: Installed /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/html/htmllist.sty
Info: Installed /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/html/html.sty
Info: Installed /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/html/techexplHTML.tex
Info: Installed /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/html/url.sty

some of them extremely old (20 years old), but the problem never appears
because the new files on


take precedence and most stuff continues to work fine.

On the other hand though if you HAVE a personal TeXMF tree, then the
install script places the files in there:

Note: trying to install LaTeX2HTML style files in TeX directory tree
Info: Installed /home/paulo/texmf/tex/latex/html/frames.sty
Info: Installed /home/paulo/texmf/tex/latex/html/verbatimfiles.sty
Info: Installed /home/paulo/texmf/tex/latex/html/url.sty

and these take precedence over the system files (with kpsewhich) and
because of the old files a LOT of things break down with the TeX
installation, including biblatex -- because of the old "url.sty".

Three files are problematic because they share name space with files in the
TeXLive distribution.

                Repo       TeXLive 2016
floatflt.ins  1998/06/05    2008/03/17
url.sty       1999/03/02    2013/09/16
latin9.def    1999          2016
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