[l2h] Makefile for segmented documentation [update]

alessandro basili alessandro.basili at cern.ch
Tue Nov 8 19:35:36 CET 2011

On 11/3/2011 5:57 PM, alessandro basili wrote:
> Hi,
> I have followed the example Makefile coming with the package but I'm
> having problems extending the idea to a more complex structure of files
> and cross-references and my make is either running in a somewhat
> infinite loop or simply I never get to the point where "Nothing to be
> done for 'all'".

I found that one of my .tex files didn't have any label, hence didn't
produce any internals.pl, therefore the rule for internals was always
true and never got to the point where there was "nothing to be done".

> $(TOP)/$(TOP).html target depends on changes on .tex, .aux and any the
> .html of each section. Every section depends on the related .tex and on
> the internals.pl which contains the references/labels from other sections.
> Whenever the .html is targeted, a .stamp is targeted instead, which will
> actually run l2h over the .tex and then touch a .stamp file. The .stamp
> target has the same dependencies that .html has (why?).

That .stamp file indeed does not need at all to have the same
dependencies. In my current working Makefile the .stamp is depending
only on the related .tex.

> The last and maybe most mysterious part is the internals target, which
> is running l2h over the related .tex (which will produce a new
> internals.pl only if something changed from previous run).

Since the internals were not created for one of the .tex sources (no
label in it), the rule was always true.

> So if we have 10 sections with various references, we should always have
> internals target for each of them and include the dependencies only in
> .stamp and .html targets, but to me this approach is not working.

Dependencies from other internals should be only in .html rules, while
.stamp should have only .tex and no dependency for internals.pl (which
is already taken care by l2h).

> I also found that the Makefile of the main l2h documentation is quite
> messy and I failed to make it (didn't try with a bigger hammer though),
> so if anyone out there found an elegant solution with Makefiles I'd
> really appreciate it.

If somebody may be interested in the source, here it is:


> Cheers,
> Al
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