[l2h] paragraphs in table. alignment, ragged right, ragged2e package

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Thu Mar 24 12:00:07 CET 2011


I have a table, in which I use p for table, as in:


and I want the paragraphs to be ragged right, since they
do not look nice justified inside a table cells.

I can do that in Latex as follows:


\begin{tabular}{|P{2in}|P{2in}|}  %notice UPPER case P here
jfadlkfj lkfjdsl fdasfad fkjdsklfja slkfjdlaks &
djflkjads;flkajds;flk dsafjdads fdsafsalk fjdskl  \tabularnewline\hline

jfadlkfj lkfjdsl fdasfad fkjdsklfja slkfjdlaks &
djflkjads;flkajds;flk dsafjdads fdsafsalk fjdskl  \tabularnewline\hline


The above works in pdflatex, but l2h does not support ragged2e

"No implementation found for style `ragged2e'

Unknown commands: tabularnewline newcolumntype RaggedRight"

I am trying to find a way I can generated table with ragged
paragraphs with l2h.

Any one knows of a trick to do this? As the current output does not
look good in HTML when justified.

Using L2h version 2008, 1.71 on Linux.

One of the problems I keep finding, is that I get the output looking
fine in PDF, but since some packages are not supported with l2h, so
output in HTML does not always look as good as it is in the PDF file.


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