[l2h] Installing latex2html with latest distros

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Fri Nov 19 10:24:05 CET 2010

On 11/19/2010 12:15 AM, Adin Ramirez Rivera wrote:
> I found that the problem is the Netpbm distribution. Some files that
> latex2html is complaining about are there, however, they have no extension
> (because are pl or sh files) and the system cannot recognize them. I found a
> work around for the pl files, adding that extension to the "find_prog"
> function in the config.pl file, and adding the pl extension to those files.
> However for the sh files I don't know what to do.
> Any suggestions?

All what I can say, is that I never had to do what you are doing ref netpbm.

I downloaded netpmb v 10.27 from

and installed it. Never had to mess around with file extensions.

Therefore, I think you might want to step back and find why the
files have no extension? there is some strange thing going on your
windows XP system. That is all what I can guess now. Once you start
having to modify file names and add missing extension, then you
know you must be on the wrong path.

Sorry, no other ideas from me now other than to try to find
out where the files do not have extensions to start with.

good luck

> 2010/11/18 Nasser M. Abbasi<nma at 12000.org>
>> On 11/18/2010 1:26 AM, Adin Ramirez Rivera wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I'd been trying to install latex2html with the latest distributions but I
>>> cannot succeed.
>>> I'm under a windows XP, using latex2html-2008 version, MiKTex2.8, GnuWin32
>>> Netpbm 10.27.0, and GS8.54 (I tried with others too). However, I always
>>> get
>>> errors and the images are not generated.
>>> I got an error from the pnmcrop file
>>> checking for pnmcrop... C:\texutils\GnuWin32\bin\pnmcrop.exe
>>>> Argument "10.27.0" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at
>>>> config\config.plline 1284
>>>> .
>>>> C:\texutils\GnuWin32\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose yes
>>>>   However, I could fix this one (I guess) by modifying the config.plfile,
>>> updating the versions because they do not support 3 digits versions.
>>> Then I have a lot of missing files from netpbm
>>>     - pnmflip (I think this one is creating troubles for the pictures
>>> because
>>>     it prompts this warning: "Warning: You may need to rely on LaTeX to
>>> generate
>>>     images with  effects."
>>>     - ppmquant
>>>     - picttoppm
>>> I read somewhere that some files are depreciated now. What can I do? Any
>>> suggestions?
>>> I tried several tutorials and other previous step from several people
>>> without success.
>>> Hope to read you soon.
>> I do not remember seeing the above error myself. I also have
>> windows 7, and latex2html-2008 version and MiKTex2.8.
>> I can only suggest to look at my report on the installation:
>> http://12000.org/my_notes/l2hwin/index.htm
>> and make sure all the steps you did are ok. Most of the problems
>> with l2h are due to configuration issues, software versions mismatch,
>> and such.
>> This is all what I can suggest at this time, may be some one else
>> can have better advice.
>> good luck,
>> --Nasser
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