[l2h] Latex2html handling of verbatim. Some verbatim is NOT generated

Nasser M. Abbasi nma at 12000.org
Mon Jun 14 00:53:07 CEST 2010


THis is really strange one. I thought that anything between


should NOT be looked at, and should be generated as is?

But below is an example, where l2h seems to "look inside" the verbatim 
section, and becuase of this, some of the verabtim text is removed.

===== complex example below ======










======= end example ==========

When I run the above via pdflatex, and look at the pdf outout, I see ALL 
of the verbatim stuff. good.

When I run the above by latex2thml, and look at the HTML outout, it 
shows only this:

==== HTML output ===============


========= end HTML outpuit ==========

You can see that the verbatim text \begin{latexonly} has been REMOVED.

But it is verbatim !!   Latex2html should be looking at it?

This is using

C:\Users\me>latex2html -v
$* is no longer supported at G:\LATEX\latex2html\bin/latex2html.bat line 
This is LaTeX2HTML Version 2008 (1.71)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

Ami doing something silly or is this a "bug" in latex2hml?


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