[l2h] Linebreaks in \author
Finn Aarup Nielsen
fn at imm.dtu.dk
Fri May 11 13:02:21 CEST 2007
I have a possible bug with Version 2002-2-1 (1.71) in Debian
Etch: Linebreaks in the \author command seem to give problems, e.g.,
\author{Finn \\ Aarup \\ Nielsen \\ Lyngby}
latex2html -split 0 -info "" -no_navigation test.tex
I beleive it has previously worked (with the Debian Sarge version).
Finn Aarup Nielsen, IMM DTU, Denmark
Lundbeck Foundation Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging
http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~fn/ http://nru.dk/staff/fnielsen/
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