[l2h] problem with generating the pstoimg.bat

Chong Sun sunchong at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 08:25:48 CET 2007


  Thanks for your help!
   I spent lots of time and messed my computer.  The following is what I can
get from my computer by running the config.bat.

Starting Configuration...

config.pl, Release 2002-2-1 (Revision 1.49)
Accompanies LaTeX2HTML, (C) 1999 GNU Public License.

checking for old config file (cfgcache.pm)... not found (ok)
checking for platform... MSWin32 (Windows 32 bit)
checking for C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe... C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
checking perl version... 5.008008
checking if perl supports some dbm... yes
checking if perl globbing works... yes
checking for tex... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\tex.exe
checking for latex... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\latex.exe
checking for initex... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\initex.exe
checking for kpsewhich... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX
checking for kpsewhich syntax... no, from which planet is your kpsewhich?
checking for TeX include path... NONE
Warning: Will not automatically install LaTeX2HTML style files.
checking for dvips... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\dvips.exe
checking dvips version... no
Error: could not determine dvips version
Warning: Will not be able to generate images due to above failure.
checking for html4-check... no
checking for gswin32c... C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin\gswin32c.exe
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
checking for ghostscript version... no
Error: could not determine gs version
Warning: Will not be able to generate images due to above failure.
checking for pnmflip... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmflip.exe
checking for ppmquant... C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe
checking for pnmfile... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmfile.exe
checking for pnmcat... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcat.exe
checking for pbmmake... C:\usr\local\bin\pbmmake.exe
checking for ppmtogif... C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe
checking for pnmtopng... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmtopng.exe
checking for ppmtojpeg... \texutils\netpbm\bin\ppmtojpeg.exe
checking for pnmcut... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcut.exe
checking for pnmpad... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmpad.exe
checking for pnmrotate... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmrotate.exe
checking for pnmscale... C:\usr\local\bin\pnmscale.exe
checking for giftopnm... C:\usr\local\bin\giftopnm.exe
checking for jpegtopnm... C:\usr\local\bin\jpegtopnm.exe
checking for pngtopnm... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\pngtopnm.exe
checking for tifftopnm... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX
checking for picttoppm... C:\usr\local\bin\picttoppm.exe
checking for anytopnm... no
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
ne 2400.
Warning: You cannot directly translate/modify graphics of  format.
checking for bmptoppm... \texutils\netpbm\bin\bmptoppm.exe
checking for pcxtoppm... C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\miktex\bin\pcxtoppm.exe
checking for sgitopnm... C:\usr\local\bin\sgitopnm.exe
checking for xbmtopbm... C:\usr\local\bin\xbmtopbm.exe
checking for xwdtopnm... C:\usr\local\bin\xwdtopnm.exe
checking if multiple pipes work... no
Unfortunately multiple pipes are not reliable on this OS.
checking for temporary disk space... C:\DOCUME~1\sunchong\LOCALS~1\Temp
creating cfgcache.pm
creating test.bat
creating install.bat
Note: Will install...
      ... executables to   : C:\texutils\l2h\bin
      ... shared library items to : C:\texutils\l2h
      ... unshared library items to : C:\texutils\l2h
Starting build...
... building latex2html
build.pl (Revision 1.6)
Building "latex2html.bat" from "latex2html.pin"
... building pstoimg
build.pl (Revision 1.6)
config\build.pl: Warning: Skipping build of pstoimg because of missing
... building texexpand
build.pl (Revision 1.6)
Building "texexpand.bat" from "texexpand.pin"
... building configuration module
build.pl (Revision 1.6)
Building "l2hconf.pm" from "l2hconf.pin"
Configuration procedure finished

  Note that,initially I do not have the problem of checking dvips( I mean
initially checking dvips version is yes).  While I dont know what kind of
extram program is missing for buidling the pstoimg. So I install another
version of gs as  gs6.50(My computer initially have the gs8.50). After
that the checking dvips version becomes no and I still can not solve the
problem of building pstoimg.
 What should I do to solve these problems?
  Really hope you can help me about this ! Thanks  a lot !


Sun chong

On 3/5/07, Shigeharu TAKENO <shige at iee.niit.ac.jp> wrote:
> shige 03/05 2007
> ----------------
> "Chong Sun" <sunchong at gmail.com> wrote:
> >    I have some problem with generating the  pstoimg.bat with the
> > configure.bat. The problem is as follows>
> > ... building pstoimg
> > build.pl (Revision 1.6)
> > config\build.pl: Warning: Skipping build of pstoimg because of missing
> > external
> > programs.
> > ... building texexpand
> > build.pl (Revision 1.6)
> > Building "texexpand.bat" from "texexpand.pin"
> Please show me the full message from the configure script. Such
> warning may appear when some of graphics tools which latex2html
> requires are not disable on your environment. In such case,
> another error messages may appear at the configuration.
> +========================================================+
> Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
>                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
> shige at iee.niit.ac.jp   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161
> +========================================================+
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