[l2h] Underline problem

Darrell Ryan darrell at ryan-usa.com
Sun Mar 19 21:09:01 CET 2006

Ulli, you may not want all the customizations but the install/setup 
instructions you may find useful.  this is what is known to work on my 


(install all these utilities to the same drive letter)

Note*** MiKTeX 2.4 caused problems (won't work unless LATEX_DUMP=0)
        and puts thick black underlines on some of the images.
        DO NOT upgrade.  Keep 2.3 local repository currently
        located in \Software\TeX\MikTeX.

Known working version combinations on XP SP2:

MiKTeX 2.3.1222
Ghostscript 8.14
Ghostview 4.6
LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.71)
WinEdt build 20020323 (v. 5.3)

a.  MikTeX (small package)
 download repository files to \Software\TeX\MikTeX
        install to \TeX\texmf and TeX\localtexmf trees
b.  Ghostscript and GSView
        install to TeX\gs and TeX\Ghostgum, respectively
c.  ActivePerl
        install to \TeX\perl
d.  NetPBM
        install to \TeX\NetPBM
e.  LaTeX2HTML
        instructions below
f.  WinEdt
        use conventional "soft" wrapping
        or equivelent

LaTeX2HTML install:

1.  Expand the archive.

2.  Edit prefs.pm
    a. $prefs{'EXTRAPATH'} = 
    b. $prefs{'PREFIX'} = 'c:\\tex\\l2h';
    c. $prefs{'TEXPATH'} = 'c:\\tex\\texmf\\tex\\l2h';
    d. $prefs{'TMPSPACE'} = 'c:\\tex\\l2htemp';

3.  Edit l2hconf.pin
    a. @IMAGE_TYPES = qw(gif png);
    b. $INIT_FILE_NAME = $ENV{'L2HINIT_NAME'} || 'l2hinit';

4.  Edit latex2html.pin.  Make the following mods marked by (dgr)
    if not already made by Ross in the source.

    a. sub default_textohtmlinfopage {
           local($_) = @_;
           local($argv) = $argv;
       # (dgr) next line remmed out to remove hyperlink to source file
       #    if (-f "../$argv") { $argv = &make_href ("../$argv", $argv, ); }

    b. sub get_date {
           local($format,$order) = @_;
           local(@lt) = localtime;
           local($d,$m,$y) = @lt[3,4,5];
       #   if ($format =~ /ISO/) {
       #       sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$y, $m+1, $d);
       #   (dgr) previous 2 lines remmed out
       #   (dgr) next two lines change the date format
           if ($format =~ /ISO/) {
               sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", $m+1, $d, 1900+$y);
           } elsif ($format) {
        if ($order) { eval "sprintf(".$format.",".$order.")"; }
        else { sprintf($format, $d, $m+1, 1900+$y); }
           } else { sprintf("%d/%d/%d", $m+1, $d, 1900+$y); }

       sub address_data {
           local($user, $date, $_);
           local($format,$order) = @_;
           # Get author, (email address) and current date.
       #    ($user = L2hos->fullname()) =~ s/,.*//;
       #   (dgr) previous line remmed out
       #   (dgr) next two lines redefine user data
           ($user = "D. Ryan");
           ($useremail = "aah at ryan-usa.com");
           ($user, &get_date($format,$order));

5.  Run config.bat.  Check config.log.

6.  Run test.bat.  Check output in tests\l2htest folder.
    On Win9x, set command box to at least a 1024 environment size.
    This can be done by the properties tab for the command.com window,
    or globally by shell=d:\windows\command.com /e:1024 /p in config.sys.
    ****For NT/200x/XP, this is not necessary.

7.  Run install.bat -debug.  Note-- it may be necessary to run *all*
    latex2html jobs with the -debug switch.  Without it, you may get
    the error when converting images:

    Specified COMMAND search directory bad
    Too many parameters

    ****For NT/200x/XP, no debug switch is necessary.

8.  Rename dot.latex2html-init to l2hinit and customize as follows.
    Put this just before the ****Navigation Panel section,
    as to not be overridden prior in the file.

#                      DGR                    #
#                   10/14/04                  #
#            BEGIN AAH CUSTOMIZATIONS         #

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
#$ICONSERVER = ''||'file:///C|/tex/l2h/icons';

# use this for local development and post-production
$ICONSERVER = 'file:///C|/tex/l2h/icons';

# use this for production
#$ICONSERVER = 'http://aah.ryan-usa.com/l2hicons';

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
#$DESTDIR = '';         # Put the result in this directory

# use this for local development
$DESTDIR = '';

# use this for the dry run directory
#$DESTDIR ='1014304';

# use this for the upload directory
#$DESTDIR ='101404ul';

# use this for the local image
#$DESTDIR ='101404im';

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $TMP = 'C:\\tex\\l2htemp';

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $ADDRESS = "<I>$address_data[0]</I>\n<BR><I>$address_data[1]</I>";

$ADDRESS = '<small><a 
href="mailto:aah at ryan-usa.com">aah at ryan-usa.com</a></small>';

# default setting in l2hconf, (uncommented)
#$DVIPSOPT = ' -Ppdf  -E';

# default setting in l2hconf, (uncommented)
#$DVIPSOPT .= " -E";

# $DVIPSOPT .= " -Ppdf";

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $LATEX_DUMP = 0;


# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $HTML_VERSION = '3.2';

$HTML_VERSION = '4.0';

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $WORDS_IN_PAGE = 300;


# default setting in l2hconf (commented out)

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $PAPERSIZE = "a5";

$PAPERSIZE = "a4";

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
# $DISCARD_PS = 1;


# default setting in l2hconf (commented out)
# $DO_INCLUDE = "";

$DO_INCLUDE = "aah";

# default setting in l2hconf (uncommented)
#$CHILDLINE = "<BR><HR>\n";
#           END AAH CUSTOMIZATIONS            #

----- Original Message ----- 
From: U. Schwebinghaus
To: latex2html at tug.org
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: [l2h] Underline problem


please help me with my problem:

I receive underlines in nearly all formulas while translating a tex
document into html. A few month ago all worked fine but now it happens
on all my computers.
I haven't changed the computer systems, it happens on different machines
with win2k and xp.

I didn't change the latex2html-Version (latex2html-2002-2-1), not the
netpbm (10.6.), have the same Perl (5.8).
My GS-Version is now newer, also the Miktex-Packages had some updates.

What could make the problem and how can I solve it?

Thanks in advance

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