[l2h] eps images problem

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Wed Nov 23 21:06:51 CET 2005

Hello Paolo,

On 24/11/2005, at 2:29 AM, Paolo Ariano wrote:

> Hi *
> i've a stupid problem converting my thesis from latex to html:
> latex2html convert all math symbols as images but does nothing on  
> images.eps; in the files.html i can find only the caption but not  
> the images.
> In the file thesis.tex i've:
> \graphicspath{{./figure/}}

Try adding an extra entry:

The reason for this is that LaTeX2HTML is working from
within a sub-directory of the place where your .tex  files

Alternatively, go into that subdirectory and create
a symbolic link:    ln -s ../figure .
(assuming that you are using  Unix or Linux ).
This should let LaTeX find your images when it needs them.

> in my chapter1.tex file i use:
> \begin{figure}[htb!]
> \begin{center}
> \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{figure/Basch_fig1.eps}
> \caption[bò_bla]
> {\textbf{Neurulation and neural crest migration.}
> Inter .....pathways (from \citealp{Basch04}).}
> \label{figure:Basch_fig1}
> \end{center}
> \end{figure}
> the dvi and pdf files are ok but coming crazy with html :(

If the above doesn't help, then show me the  images.log
file that results after a fresh run --- i.e., remove *all*
images, and run the job again, so that  images.tex  and
  images.log  attempts the creation of all images together.

> thanks for help
> paolo

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> -- 
> Paolo Ariano
> Neuroscience PhD @ UniTo
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Ross Moore                                         ross at maths.mq.edu.au
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