[l2h] pstoimg/dvips interaction problem in Fedora Core 2

Julius Smith jos at ccrma.stanford.edu
Fri Jan 7 21:47:42 CET 2005

For anyone running Fedora Core 2 who has the gray-background problem, below 
is a bugfix post to 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=127010. - jos


The following patch to /usr/bin/pstoimg seems to fix the 
gray-image-background problem:

*** pstoimg-FC2-stock   Mon Dec 27 05:21:18 2004
--- pstoimg     Fri Jan  7 11:58:54 2005
*** 1021,1027 ****
       my $had_nonwhite;
       if($opt{white}) {
!       $had_nonwhite = ($ps =~ s/(\n\d+ \d+ bop gsave) \d*\.\d+ 
(TeXcolorgray clippath fill grestore)/$1 1 $2/s);
       $ps_changed = $had_papersize || $had_nonwhite;
       if($ps_changed) {
--- 1021,1028 ----
       my $had_nonwhite;
       if($opt{white}) {
!       $had_nonwhite = ($ps =~ s/(\d+ \d+ bop gsave) \d*\.\d+ 
(TeXcolorgray clippath fill grestore)/$1 1 $2/s);
       $ps_changed = $had_papersize || $had_nonwhite;
       if($ps_changed) {

All the patch does is remove '\n' from the beginning of the search 
string.  A change is needed because the FC2 version of dvips inserts 
"TeXDict begin" at the beginning of the line, causing the search to 
fail.  (This initial string is not emitted by the version of dvips in 
RH9.)  Note that performance is slightly impacted since now the string is 
sought anywhere in the line; to avoid this, the search string could be 
updated to explicitly include "TeXDict begin".  However, as this bug shows, 
that would be dangerously fragile without coordinating with the dvips project.

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