[l2h] Problem with Gif generation after MiKTeX 2.4

Peter Morling pmorling at nat.sdu.dk
Fri Oct 29 17:31:48 CEST 2004


If you run:

latex2html test.tex -debug > debug.out


\section{Some section}
$n\times k$                     % one image will be created


you will get the following debug (I have cut out the important part)


*** processing 1 images ***

Generating postscript images using dvips ...
C:\texmf\miktex\bin\dvips.exe -S1 -i  -Ppdf  -E -E -oC:\Temp\l2h2116\image
Converting image #1
pstoimg.bat V2002-2-1 (Revision 1.19, Perl 5.008004)
pstoimg.bat: Temporary directory is C:\Temp\l2h2116
pstoimg.bat: Processing C:\Temp\l2h2116\image001.ps
pstoimg.bat: EPSF dimensions are 32x24
pstoimg.bat: Running
:\Gs\gs8.14\bin\gswin32c.exe  -sDEVICE=pnmraw -g52x39  -r115  -sOutputFile=C
GS>-125 -697 translate
GS>(C:/Temp/l2h2116/image001.ps) run

AFPL Ghostscript 8.14 (2004-02-20)
Copyright (C) 2004 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
GS>GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
GS>>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
GS>Running "C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose   <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.t01"
Running "C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose  -bot  -sides   <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.t02"
Running "C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose  -l  -sides   <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.t03"
Image "C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm" is PGM, 46x35
Running "C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe -verbose   -sides  -bot <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.t04"
Image "C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.t04" is PGM, 46x34
Image "C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm" is PGM, 46x34
Running "C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe 256 < C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm >
Running "C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe -trans #ffffff <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > img1.gif"
pstoimg.bat: Written img1.gif


and to stdout is printed:


Debug (syswait): Running "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
-type gif -debug -tmp C:\Temp\l2h2116 -discard -scale 1.6 -geometry
26x16 -margi
ns 126,72 -crop abls -transparent -out img1.gif C:\Temp\l2h2116\image001.ps"
 at C:\usr\local\l2h\bin/latex2html.bat line 4249
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Background color is #0000b3
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 2 rows off the top
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 2 rows off the bottom
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 1 col off the left
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 3 cols off the right
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Background color is #000000
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Not cropping.  No border found.
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Background color is #000000
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 2 cols off the left
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Background color is #0000b3
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 1 row off the bottom
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe: making histogram...
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe: 2 colors found
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe: choosing 256 colors...
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmquant.exe: mapping image to new colors...
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe: computing colormap...
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe: 2 colors found

(img1.gif is attached)

Running "C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe -trans #ffffff <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > img1.gif"

Why is the gif created from p1408.pnm ? And not one of the .pnm files that
are cropped?

If I manually executes:

C:\testtex>C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe -black -verbose -bot <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.pnm > C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.tmp
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: Background color is #000000
C:\usr\local\bin\pnmcrop.exe: cropping 2 rows off the bottom


C:\testtex>C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe -trans #ffffff <
C:\Temp\l2h2116\p1408.tmp > img1a.gif
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe: computing colormap...
C:\usr\local\bin\ppmtogif.exe: 2 colors found

I will get the correct image, attached: img1a.gif.

I hope this information is detailed enough.

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