[l2h] alignmentproblem eqnarray - amsmath -example

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Wed Jan 7 15:49:49 CET 2004

Hi Peter,

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Peter Morling wrote:

> Hi,
> here is an example of a little problem (when using the AMSMATH package):
> http://www.statmaster.sdu.dk/maskel/docs/amsex/index.html
> Look for the first eqnarray on that page and you will see that the equation
> is split up into ascii and gif, and that ascii (in this case the '0') is not
> aligned with the gif.

The alignment in these was fine in Netscape, until they recently changed
the way some attributes are implemented. The was a discussion on this list
recently about these issues, in which it was noted that the Netscape
developers have acknowledged their mistake.

As for IE, they have an interpretation which is quite different, and
definitely wrong --- in fact, quite unworkable, except when there is a
lot of CSS information to override it anyway.

> Without the amsmath package, there is no problem, the equation in not split
> up, a single image, that is centered as it should be.

You can get the single image, using  \htmlimage{...} within the

Alternatively, try the -no_math and -no_math_parsing  switches, to affect
the extent to which math-environments are parsed.

Hope this helps,


> Best,
> Peter
> Programmer Peter Morling, University of Southern Denmark
> Department of Statistics, Sdr. Boulevard 23A, DK-5000 Odense C
> Phone (+45) 6550 3399
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