[l2h] latex2html bug report when handling TEXINPUTS.

Erling D. Andersen e.d.andersen at mosek.com
Fri Apr 23 14:09:17 CEST 2004

I define 

set TEXINPUTS=c:\something..

and it seems latex2html does not feed it properly to texpand.

If you change the code from

        L2hos->syswait("$TEXEXPAND $dbg -auto_exclude $unseg"
                 . "-save_styles $DESTDIR$dd$TMP_${dd}styles "
                 . ($TEXINPUTS ? "-texinputs $TEXINPUTS " : '' )
                 . (($VERBOSITY >2) ? "-verbose " : '' )
                 . "-out $DESTDIR$dd$TMP_$dd$FILE "
                 . "$texfilepath$dd$FILE.$EXT")
            && die " texexpand  failed: $!\n";



        L2hos->syswait("$TEXEXPAND $dbg -auto_exclude $unseg"
                 . "-save_styles $DESTDIR$dd$TMP_${dd}styles "
                 . ($MYTEXINPUTS ? "-texinputs $MYTEXINPUTS " : '' )
                 . (($VERBOSITY >2) ? "-verbose " : '' )
                 . "-out $DESTDIR$dd$TMP_$dd$FILE "
                 . "$texfilepath$dd$FILE.$EXT")
            && die " texexpand  failed: $!\n";

then things works very well.

I think the problem is


only includes the current directory.

Is my bug report correct or have I misunderstood something?

If you want to verify the bug then TEXINPUTS to something.

latex2html -debug ...

Verify that texpand does not get the right -texinputs.


PS. I would prefer a LOT that

latex2html -texinputs whateverpath .....

was possible.

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