[l2h] eqnarray/matrix bug in latex2html

Mirosław Prywata Miroslaw.Prywata at empolis.pl
Wed Oct 1 15:41:00 CEST 2003

Użytkownik Ross Moore napisał:

>>I found that late2thml has problems with mirror in eqnarray environment.
>>  It can be due to the fact, that eqnarray and matrix has the same row
>>separator - &. The first & is treated as & from eqnarray and the rest of
>>matrix is treated as another part of eqnaray. From this point all the
>>equation are renumbered and displayed in unproper place and order.
> Are you using  \usepackage{amsmath} ?


> Please provide example coding which does not work for you.

The example latex file is very simple:




\sigma_x=\left( \matrix{0&1\cr 1&0}\right),
\sigma_y=\left(\matrix{0&-i\cr i&0}\right),
\sigma_z=\left(\matrix{1&0\cr 0&-1}\right).


latex2html treats it strangely, first it knows there is only one 
formula, and on the other hands it tries to split the eqnarray into 
several (here 3 ??) formulae.

If you ad some more formulae to this document you will see what will 
happen. Everything gets mixed.

and the version of latex2html:

$ latex2html --version
  [english]This is jLaTeX2HTML Version 2002 (1.62) JA patch-1.4
by Kenshi Muto, Debian Project.

Original LaTeX2HTML Version 2002 (1.62)
by Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.



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