[l2h] About latex2html on windows...

PEREDO ANDRADE OSCAR FRANCISCO operedo at ing.uchile.cl
Wed Nov 26 21:24:36 CET 2003

Hi. A question for anyone:
I was trying to install this grat tool on windows, everything was ok, when
i run in the command line of the dos the test.bat file. After that, when
the program was processing the images of the mathematical formulas, a
message appears: "file TL79PNG.DLL not found".
It seems that the only file that is missing is this and i don't have found
it in all the search engines.
If anyone get that file, i'll thanks a lot if it'll be sent to
operedo at ing.uchile.cl .


		Oscar Francisco Peredo Andrade
		  Estudiante  de Ingeniería
		   Universidad   de  Chile
		    operedo at ing.uchile.cl

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