[l2h] Tabbing and <BR>

Ross Moore ross at ics.mq.edu.au
Fri Aug 22 10:29:21 CEST 2003

Hello Fabien,

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, fabien wrote:

> Hi everybody...
> I have a question about the latex2html tabbing processing.
> Between each line of a tabbing section, a blanked line is inserted in the HTML file - an <BR> tag.
> Why ??? I don't want a such space text !!!

Check the subroutine   tabbing_helper .

e.g. mine is as follows:

sub tabbing_helper {
    local($_) = @_;
    s/\\=\s*//go;  # cannot alter the tab-stops
    s/\t/ /g;      # convert any tabs to spaces
    # MRO: replaced $* with /m
    s/(^|\n)[^\n]*\\kill *\n/\n/gm;
    s/( )? *\n/$1/gm; # retain at most 1 space for a \n
    # replace \\ by \n ... , ignoring any trailing space
#    s/\\\\ */\n/gm;
    # ...but make sure successive \\ do not generate a <P> tag
#    s/\n( *)?\n/\n&nbsp;\n/gm;
    s/(^| *([^\\]))\\[>]/$2\t\t/go;
    s/\n$//; s/^\n//;           # strip off leading/trailing \n
    local($inside_tabbing) = 1;
    $_ = &translate_commands(&translate_environments($_));

Note that 2 reg-exp replacements are commented-out (initial #).
That may be a mistake, as there seems to be nothing else
that replaces the \\ at the end of lines, so those will later
be replaced by <BR> as you observe.

Try uncommenting the 1st reg-exp, and perhaps both reg-exps.
This should fix the immediate problem but may introduce new problems.

Certainly there is some doubt about exactly where those lines should
be executed within the tabbing-helper subroutine.

To test changed code, you do *not* need to edit the latex2html
script itself. Put an exact copy of the subroutine code into
the  .latex2html-init  file for your job, and make the edits
there. Since this file is read *after* the main script, the
changed definition will override the standard one.

Report what you find please.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore


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