[l2h] Top of images are not cropped

Magnus Widerberg mango@pingpong.net
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 15:43:55 +0100

Thank you for your answer Ross!

I see what you mean, but unfortunately the extra space didn't vanish 
with the code you gave me - nothing happended.

Is there any other way you know of?

Magnus Widerberg

Ross Moore wrote:

> >I use latex2html to produce png images, but it doesn't crop the top of
> >the images enough.
> >
> >I would like latex2html either to have a switch for setting the -crop
> >argument which pstoimg uses, or that the default for "crop to minimum
> >size" (line 3592 in version $Id: latex2html.pin,v 1.70 2002/08/22
> >15:14:08 RRM Exp $) was $crop{$name} = "blrlt" instead of $crop{$name} =
> >"blrl".
> I think the intenion here is to first crop away the cropping bars,
> via the  b and l , then remove extra space on the left and right,
> since TeX has centered the environment's contents on the printed page.
> In HTML that extra space is not needed.
> There is not t cropping, because the cropping-bar at the left-hand side
> was initially placed to be the correct height for the environment;
> similarly there is no second b crop after the bars have been removed.
> >What should I do in the meantime?
> The best answer is surely to determine what is creating the extra
> space that you are trying to remove.
> It *should* be the \abovedisplayskip  or  \abovedisplayshortskip
> parameter in TeX.
> If this is so, then try putting code such as:
> \begin{imagesonly}
>  \AtBeginDocument{\abovedisplayskip=0pt \abovedisplayshortskip=0pt}
> \end{imagesonly}
> into the document preamble, assuming that  \usepackage{html} has been
> used earlier in the preamble.
> >I tried to use mogrify, but it has problems with the transparency and I
> >don't know how many pixels I can crop.
> Yes; that's why LateX2HTML uses pnmcrop , since there's no easy way
> to find out how much to crop.
> Hope this helps,
> 	Ross Moore
> >Regards
> >Magnus Widerberg
> >
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Magnus Widerberg