[l2h] Top of images are not cropped

Magnus Widerberg mango@pingpong.net
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:36:30 +0100

I use latex2html to produce png images, but it doesn't crop the top of 
the images enough.

I would like latex2html either to have a switch for setting the -crop 
argument which pstoimg uses, or that the default for "crop to minimum 
size" (line 3592 in version $Id: latex2html.pin,v 1.70 2002/08/22 
15:14:08 RRM Exp $) was $crop{$name} = "blrlt" instead of $crop{$name} = 

What should I do in the meantime?

I tried to use mogrify, but it has problems with the transparency and I 
don't know how many pixels I can crop.

Magnus Widerberg