[l2h] Changing default calours in frames

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 08:01:44 +1100 (EST)

> I am currently generating html with frames using  LaTeX2HTML Version 
> 2002-2 (1.70)  and I was wondering whether there was any (simple) way to 
> change the default colours used in the frames.  Although the peach and 
> purple are quite pleasant, they don't fit in with the colour scheme for 
> the rest of the site.

Find the module  frames.perl  in the directory  $LATEX2HTMLDIR/styles
where $LATEX2HTMLDIR  is the base location for the LaTeX2HTML libraries,
as set at the beginning of the installed latex2html script.

Then a simple grep will tell you what you need to know;

landau.ics.mq.edu.au> grep COLOR frames.perl
$TEXT_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#9944EE\" vlink=\"#0000ff\" alink=\"#00ff00\""
        unless $TEXT_COLOR;
if (!$NOFRAMES) { $MAIN_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#000000\" text=\"#ffffff\"" unless $MAIN_COLOR;}
else { $MAIN_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\"" unless $MAIN_COLOR; }
$NAVIG_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#ffeee0\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#9944EE\" vlink=\"#FF0000\" alink=\"#00ff00\""
        unless $NAVIG_COLOR;
$FOOT_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#eeeee0\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#9944EE\" vlink=\"#0000ff\" alink=\"#00ff00\""
        unless $FOOT_COLOR;
$TOC_COLOR = "bgcolor=\"#8080C0\" text=\"#ffeee0\" link=\"#eeeee0\" vlink=\"#eeeee0\" alink=\"#00ff00\""
        unless $TOC_COLOR;

Thus you see the default settings for the variables used for the color sets
in the different frames:
(and also $MAIN_COLOR for when there are no frames).

As well as the background and text colors, the color sets include the 3 different
colors for link-text of hyperlinks: tested/untested and while being pressed.

Set these in an initialisation file, to have whatever colors you like,
and the defaults will be ignored.

> I apologise if this question has been asked before but I couldn't find 
> anything on the archives that seemed to match my request.
> Thanks in advance for any help,

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> Adrian 
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