[l2h] maketitle "text only"

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:23:30 +1100 (EST)

> Hello,
> I would like that latex2html don't create an image but only text.
> The title page is produce with a "strandard" maketitle command.

Sorry, I don't understand the problem.
What gets made into an image ?
> Here is a typical latex extract :
> \title{OSCAR Cluster User's Guide \\
> Software Version \oscarversion \\
> Documentation Version \docsversion \\
> \ \\
> \url{http://oscar.sourceforge.net/} \\
> \email{oscar-users@lists.sourceforge.net}}
> \author{The Open Cluster Group \\
> \url{http://www.openclutergroup.org/}}
> \maketitle

Your source is processed fine for me; see:


What version of LaTeX2HTML are you using ?
Seek the latest version, at  www.latex2html.org

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> Ben
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