[l2h] Re: LaTeX2HTML \verb / \verb* problem
Ross Moore
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 09:31:01 +1100 (EST)
> I posted this to the mailing list but got no response. It seems
> that LaTeX2HTML does not bother to distinguish between \verb and \verb*.
It does now.
Get the latest revision (1.62) of latex2html.pin from www.latex2html.org
Here are the diffs if you want to patch a version that is installed already.
(Beware, the line-numbers will be different in an installed version.
It is sufficient to search for instances of $verb_mark and apply the simple
edits recorded in the following diffs.)
landau.ics.mq.edu.au> cvs diff -r1.61 -r 1.62 latex2html.pin
Index: latex2html.pin
RCS file: /home/latex2ht/cvs/latex2html/user/latex2html.pin,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -r1.61 -r1.62
< # $Id: latex2html.pin,v 1.61 2001/12/08 06:46:47 RRM Exp $
> # $Id: latex2html.pin,v 1.62 2002/03/01 22:13:32 RRM Exp $
< my ($REVISION) = q$Revision: 1.61 $ =~ /:\s*(\S+)/;
> my ($REVISION) = q$Revision: 1.62 $ =~ /:\s*(\S+)/;
> my $vbmark = $verb_mark;
> #RRM: retain knowledge of whether \verb* or \verb
> $vb_mark = ($1 =~/^\s*\*/? $verbstar_mark : $verb_mark);
< # statement with $verb_mark
> # statement with $verb_mark or $verbstar_mark
< join('',$verb_mark,$id,$verb_mark)
> join('',$vb_mark,$id,$verb_mark)
< else {&replace_verb_marks if /$verb_mark/;}
> else {&replace_verb_marks if /$verb_mark|$verbstar_mark/;}
< s/$verb_mark(\d+)$verb_mark/
> s/(?:$verb_mark|$verbstar_mark)(\d+)$verb_mark/
< s/$verb_mark(\d+)$verb_mark//go;
> s/($verb_mark|$verbstar_mark)(\d+)$verb_mark//go;
< s/$verb_mark(\d+)$verb_mark/\\verb*$verb_delim{$1}$verb{$1}$verb_delim{$1}/go;
> s/$verbstar_mark(\d+)$verb_mark/\\verb*$verb_delim{$1}$verb{$1}$verb_delim{$1}/go;
> s/$verb_mark(\d+)$verb_mark/\\verb$verb_delim{$1}$verb{$1}$verb_delim{$1}/go;
< if ($pre_bit =~ /$verb_mark$/) {
> if ($pre_bit =~ /($verb_mark|$verbstar_mark)$/) {
> $verbstar_mark = '<tex2html_verbstar_mark>';
> It performs some sort of internal translation and does not remember
> whether inline verbatim text was associated with a \verb or with a
> \verb*. When translated back for rendering by latex, it is
> unconditionally translated to the \verb* form, thus marking spaces.
Now images generated from LaTeX code containing \verb or \verb*
give the correct results.
There is no attempt made by LaTeX2HTML to alter spaces in the verbatim
strings on HTML pages, when \verb* was used;
e.g. turn each space into an _ character.
Now it is a simple matter to include coding for this.
Does anyone think it is a desirable feature to have ?
My own view is "probably; it could perhaps be useful for documentation"
but I'll wait to hear of any objections (or stronger support) before
making such a change.
> Now, it's easy enough to edit the code so that \verb is used instead
> of \verb*, but the real problem is the lack of choice -- I either must
> always have unmarked spaces, or I must always have marked spaces, and
> neither option is good for me. How difficult would it be to fix this?
Not hard at all, as it turned out.
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
> Logan
> --
> y(c){return putchar(c);}main(){y(y(y(17+y(y(55+y(y(y(54+y(y(13+
> y(y(y(3+y(48+y(28+y(y(y(8+y(y(13+y(25+y(40+y(y(13+y(y(y(35+y(76
> ))-8)-6))-78))))-3))-83)))))-8)-6))-46))-2)-70))-1))-55)-52);};