[l2h] Latex2html only works in "-debug" mode.

Ulrich Diez ulrich.diez@student.uni-tuebingen.de
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:35:12 +0200

Hello everybody !

I'm still trying to install Latex2Html on a Win'95 system.
I still stuck with the following:
Latex2Html only converts images tec. correctly when in -debug -mode.
E. g. the test via test.bat only works when latex2html.bat is called via
in -debug - mode.

This is funny as the -debug - option in this case is useless (as the whole
as everything works fine in debug-mode and therefore in debug-mode I do not
any productive error-message which might help finding the bug/location of
the bug.

Did anybody else face this problem also ?

I am not exactly a perl-wizard, therefore I would be thankful if somebody
told me
about the exact differences between -debug-mode and "non-debug"-mode.



(System: My old experimental trash-mashine: Pentium 200MMX, 96 MB RAM,
Win95, MikTex 2.1,
 Netpbm 10.2, Ghostscript 7.05, ActiveState Active Perl 5.6.1-Build 633)