[l2h] output of equations

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Sun, 9 Jun 2002 10:48:20 +1000 (EST)

[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> Hello,
> I use latex2html LaTeX2HTML Version 2K.1beta (1.47) with Redhat7.2.
> I did not perform the installation myself - latex2html was already given
> in the redhat distribution.

Yes; but that's an old version.
Get the latest (dated 2002) from  www.latex2html.org .

Installation is easy, provided you have all the software needed
from other places (TeX, Ghostscript and Netpbm)
 --- which presumably you do, else you'd not be getting any images at all.

> My problem is that equations generate a line on the left side and bottom
> , that I would prefer to eliminate.
> How can I do this ?

Both LaTeX2HTML and Netpbm have changed a bit in the past few years.
The RedHat distribution has incompatible versions.

Their CD distribution policy has a major deficiency in that incompatibilities
if not found before burning, get frozen onto the CD.
You should check availability of more recent versions of much of their software.

For TeX-related stuff, the TeXLive CDs are remade yearly;
and perhaps more frequently for those who are prepared to
download 300+Mb disk images.

Hope this helps,

	Ros Moore

> Regards,
> Anne.
> --
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