[l2h] \caption vs. \newfont?

Chris Jepeway jepeway@blasted-heath.com
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 19:52:34 -0400

Well, I can't quite get it.  I've appended the latex input
I'm using after I made the suggested change to use the latex/htmlonly
environments instead of the \latexhtml cmd.  I'm still getting
these errors:

    No number for "Transactionstartedby<SMALL>INIT</SMALL>msg"
    Unknown commands: ct

What have I got wrong?

Chris <jepeway@blasted-heath.com>.


\newfont{\ct}{cmtcsc10}		% small caps
\newcommand{\tartm}[1]{{\ct #1}}


Here's a message type of \tartm{init}.

And here's a figure with a caption using a message type.
\caption{Transaction started by \tartm{init} msg}
