[l2h] \label inside \caption vanishes

Luc Van Eycken Luc.VanEycken@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:27:18 +0200

If a \label is included inside the \caption of a table, it vanishes unless
the table contents is converted to an image. Take for instants the
following LaTeX file:

       Some A text
       Some B text
     Some C text

In the resulting HTML file you will find anchors for testB and testC, but
not for testA. If it's not an error, it's at least inconsistent behaviour.

Below you'll find a patch for latex2html-2002-2 to solve this problem
(by moving labels out of captions), but I am not sure if this is the best

Best regards,

Luc Van Eycken

--- latex2html-2002-2/latex2html.pin.orig	2002-08-18 07:15:01.000000000 +0200
+++ latex2html-2002-2/latex2html.pin	2002-08-22 12:21:41.000000000 +0200
@@ -8249,9 +8249,11 @@
     # associate the br_id of the caption with the argument of the caption
     $contents =~ s/$caption_rx(\n)?/do {
 	$key = $9; $caption = $10; $optional_caption = $3;
+	my $result = '';
+	$caption =~ s!(\\label\s*($O\d+$C)[^<]+\2)!$result .= $1; ''!ge;
 	$key = &filter_caption_key($key) if (defined &filter_caption_key);
 	$optional_captions{$key} = $optional_caption||$caption;
-	$captions{$key} = $10; ''}/ego;
+	$captions{$key} = $caption; $result }/ego;
 #	$captions{$9} = $10; $caption_mark }/ego;
     $key = $caption = $optional_caption = '';