[l2h] L2H for texlive

Fabrice Popineau Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 22:34:29 +0200

I have put a standalone version of the current latex2html version


Installation is simple: 
1 - unzip it at the root of your TeXLive installation,
2 - make sure you have both gswin32c.exe and netpbm in your PATH
3 - use it.

I'd like to hear about it. I have successfully converted a few

I have encountered an old problem: if for some reason, an
image fails to be converted, then it seems that images can be
referenced in a random way (they do not occur at their right
place). Is this a known problem ?

Fabrice Popineau
e-mail:       Fabrice.Popineau@supelec.fr  |  The difference between theory 
voice-mail:   +33 (0) 387764715            |  and practice, is that
surface-mail: Supelec, 2 rue E. Belin,     |  theoretically,
	      F-57070 Metz 	           |  there is no difference !