[l2h] The L2H 2002 Cannot deal CJK document correctly!

Edward Lee edt1023@ms17.hinet.net
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 17:52:09 +0800

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002, Ross Moore wrote:
> OK; I've got it, and can reproduce the problem.
> The fix is easy, but first a question.
> You example HTML files correctly have  charset = text/big5 .
> Where is this done in the processing, or do you do it yourself
> after LaTeX2HTML has finished ?

  It's because(if you don't mention this, i almost forget it.:),
  I have ~/.latex2html-init,

$ADDRESS = "<I>Compiled by Edward G.J. Lee ($address_data[1])</I>";
$default_language = 'taiwanese';
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "taiwanese";
$charset = "big5";

  So, I didn't do anything after executing ``latex2html''. The
  taiwanese is just for testing only.

> By simply inserting 2 lines into  CJK.perl  the problem
> is fixed, and this charset is set automatically:
> 	package main;
> 	$charset = 'big5'; 	## insert these 2 lines
> 	$CHARSET = 'big5';	##
>         sub pre_pre_process {
>         ...
> 	...
> This should be sufficient for documents have just Big5 characters.
> Please advise if you have example documents where this is not sufficient.

  Thanks, but I guess to config rc file maybe more convenient,
  cause sometimes we might write an utf-8 or other charset HTML.

> The reason for the errors, without these charset settings, was because
> some 8-bit characters were being translated back to TeX accents, or
> to macros for mathematical symbols, according to the latin-1 use of those
> characters. This is clearly inappropriate for a CJK document.
> Hope this helps,
> 	Ross Moore

  I see, thanks for the clear explanations.

Edward G.J. Lee