[l2h] pnmtopng

Pietro Coretto pietro.coretto@tin.it
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 23:01:48 +0200

I've installed Latex2html (latest release), perl and
netpbm (9.25, bin). When I compile a TeX document without
figure or formulas all works well.
But when I inculde some formula or some figures in the TeX
source the dos prompt give me an error message in which 
is said that "pnmtopng" is not able to work well and is not
possible to convert figures in *.ps format.

Thanks, Peter

Pietro Coretto                                    
Address:   Piazza L. Cassese n°14, 83042-Atripalda [AV]-Italy 
Telephone: (+39) 0825 62.63.41 
e-mail:    pietro.coretto@tin.it 