[l2h] newbie questions

Murat Yildizoglu yildi@montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 17:40:51 +0200

I have very quickly looked at your outputs. You definitely have problems with 
latex2html because its normal output is very nice. Maybe a wizard like Ross 
could tell what is wrong with your file or your system. 


On 25 Sep 2001, at 11:07, Allison Marles wrote: 

> hi, 
> I'm a new user and I'm having trouble getting l2h to work well on 
> a particular document.  A lot of the latex source appears in the converted
> html document and it does not seperate it into seperate pages based on the
> sections... on more simple documents I have had no trouble.
> This document uses a custom style class, but even if I remove that 
> and use the 'article' class, I get a messy result.  Also, the postscript
> images included in the latex are not converted for the webpatge, and
> the manual suggests that they should be.
> I am in the process of comparing 3 latex -> html converters and the latex
> source and html output I am describing can be viewed at
> http://delfino.cisti.nrc.ca:9000/~apm/comparison.html
> Any suggestions and/or help would be MOST appreciated. :)
> Allison
> -- 
> pi seconds is a nano-century (to within 10%)
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Prof. Murat Yildizoglu                  

  Institut Federatif de Recherche sur
           les Dynamiques Economiques
  IFREDE - E3i ( http://www.ifrede.org/ )
  Universite Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV
  Avenue Leon Duguit, 33608 Pessac Cedex, France
  Tel. +33 5 56 84 54 53
  Fax: +33 5 56 84 86 47

  e-mail: yildi@montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr
  www : http://yildizoglu.montesquieu.u-bordeaux.fr/

Managing editor of e-JEMED: http://www.e-jemed.org/
