[l2h] Top of figures cut off by "dvips -E", and forced by config.pl

Julius Smith jos@w3k.org
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:37:33 -0700

I have determined that some of my PostScript figures are cut off (at the 
top) by the use of the -E option to dvips (version 5.86).

Note that setting

	$DVIPS = "dvips";

in your .latex2html-init file (as opposed to "dvips -E") NO LONGER 
suppresses the use of this option (in l2h 2K1beta)	.  It is now used 
automatically for all version of dvips greater than 5.61 (see 
config/config.pl at "-E").

My work around for now is to comment out the line "push(@switches, '-E');" 
in config/config.pl.
