[l2h] Installation issue

Bruno De Fraine Bruno.DeFraine@student.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 11:52:14 +0100


- Windows 2000 Service Pack 2
- Perl 5.6.1 from ActiveState
- Aladdin GhostScript 6.01
- latex2html.pin,v 1.58 2001/11/14 01:34:26
- config.pl,v 1.38 2001/10/25 10:39:27


Installation fails when I do:
	CONFIG.BAT PREFIX+d:\latex2html

it prints:

checking for gswin32c... D:\Aladdin\gs6.01\bin\gswin32c.exe
checking for ghostscript version... no
Error: could not determine gs version

(+and some related error messages from not correctly detecting Ghostscript 

I managed to fix this by changing the regexp on line 1011 in config/config.pl:

from /Ghostscript\s*(?:Version|BETA RELEASE|TESTER RELEASE|)\s*(\d+[.]?\d*)/i
to /(?:Version|BETA RELEASE|TESTER RELEASE|)\s*(\d+[.]?\d*)/i

This is because of somewhat strange behaviour of Ghostscript. When I do:

	gswin32c -h

the output to the console is:

Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01 (2000-03-17)
Copyright (C) 2000 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
  -dNOPAUSE           no pause after page   | -q       `quiet', fewer messages
  -g<width>x<height>  page size in pixels   | -r<res>  pixels/inch resolution
  -sDEVICE=<devname>  select device         | -dBATCH  exit after last file
  -sOutputFile=<file> select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
                                          embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
Available devices:
    mswindll mswinprn mswinpr2 epson eps9high eps9mid epsonc ibmpro deskjet
    djet500 laserjet ljetplus ljet2p cdeskjet cdjcolor cdjmono cdj550
    djet500c declj250 lj250 st800 stcolor bj10e bj200 t4693d2 t4693d4 t4693d8
    tek4696 pcxmono pcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b pcxcmyk pbm pbmraw pgm pgmraw
    pgnm pgnmraw tiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack bmpmono
    bmpgray bmp16 bmp256 bmp16m tiff12nc tiff24nc psmono bit bitrgb bitcmyk
    pngmono pnggray png16 png256 png16m jpeg jpeggray pdfwrite bbox pswrite
    epswrite pxlmono pxlcolor ljet3 ljet3d ljet4 ljet4d pj pjxl pjxl300
    jetp3852 r4081 lbp8 uniprint m8510 necp6 bjc600 bjc800 pnm pnmraw ppm
    ppmraw nullpage
Search path:
    . ; D:\Aladdin\gs6.01\lib ; D:\Aladdin\fonts ; c:/Aladdin/gs6.01/lib ;
For more information, see c:/Aladdin/gs6.01/doc\Use.htm.
Report bugs to bug-gs@aladdin.com, using the form in Bug-form.htm.
gsdll_init returns 1

However when I don't let Ghostscript print this directly to the console, 
for example by doing:

	gswin32c -h > out.txt

I get this in out.txt:

6.01 (2000-03-17)
Copyright (C) 2000 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [file1.ps file2.ps ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
  -dNOPAUSE           no pause after page   | -q       `quiet', fewer messages
  -g<width>x<height>  page size in pixels   | -r<res>  pixels/inch resolution
  -sDEVICE=<devname>  select device         | -dBATCH  exit after last file
  -sOutputFile=<file> select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
                                          embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
Available devices:
    mswindll mswinprn mswinpr2 epson eps9high eps9mid epsonc ibmpro deskjet
    djet500 laserjet ljetplus ljet2p cdeskjet cdjcolor cdjmono cdj550
    djet500c declj250 lj250 st800 stcolor bj10e bj200 t4693d2 t4693d4 t4693d8
    tek4696 pcxmono pcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b pcxcmyk pbm pbmraw pgm pgmraw
    pgnm pgnmraw tiffcrle tiffg3 tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack bmpmono
    bmpgray bmp16 bmp256 bmp16m tiff12nc tiff24nc psmono bit bitrgb bitcmyk
    pngmono pnggray png16 png256 png16m jpeg jpeggray pdfwrite bbox pswrite
    epswrite pxlmono pxlcolor ljet3 ljet3d ljet4 ljet4d pj pjxl pjxl300
    jetp3852 r4081 lbp8 uniprint m8510 necp6 bjc600 bjc800 pnm pnmraw ppm
    ppmraw nullpage
Search path:
    . ; D:\Aladdin\gs6.01\lib ; D:\Aladdin\fonts ; c:/Aladdin/gs6.01/lib ;
For more information, see c:/Aladdin/gs6.01/doc\Use.htm.
Report bugs to bug-gs@aladdin.com, using the form in Bug-form.htm.
Aladdin Ghostscript gsdll_init returns 1

Kind regards,
Bruno De Fraine