[l2h] Including fields in the head section
Jaime Alberto Silva Colorado
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 11:03:05 -0500
How can i make html code to appear in de <head> section of every generated
html file?
I have noticed the existence of this funcion in l2hconf.pm:
### Meta Information #####################################################
# This information will be inserted in the HEAD of the generated
# HTML file. It can be used by automatic indexing scripts (eg
# site-index.pl at http://www.ai.mit.edu/tools/site-index.html)
# You can change the description, keywords, etc. values.
sub meta_information {
local($_) = @_;
# Cannot have nested HTML tags...
do { s/<[^>]*>//g;
"<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"$_\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$FILE\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"resource-type\" CONTENT=\"document\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"distribution\" CONTENT=\"global\">\n"
} if $_;
And i tried to redefine it in my .latex2html-init as:
sub meta_information {
local($_) = @_;
# Cannot have nested HTML tags...
do { s/<[^>]*>//g;
"<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"$_\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$FILE\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"resource-type\" CONTENT=\"document\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"distribution\" CONTENT=\"global\">\n" .
"<LINK REL=\"STYLESHEET\" HREF=\"/estilos/general.css\">\n"
} if $_;
As you can notice i'm trying to add my site general style sheet to the
generated documents, but it does not works. How can i achieve that and, if
it is not possible, why don't you (latex2html developers) redefine this
function as something like:
sub meta_information {
local($_) = @_;
# Cannot have nested HTML tags...
do { s/<[^>]*>//g;
"<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"$_\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$FILE\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"resource-type\" CONTENT=\"document\">\n" .
"<META NAME=\"distribution\" CONTENT=\"global\">\n" .
} if $_;
So we (latex2html users) can define $EXTRA_HEADING_INFO in our
.latex2html-init files to something like:
Jaime Alberto Silva Colorado
Administrador servidores Linux
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
ICQ# 75722794
AOL Messenger screen name: el mono jaime