[l2h] math and images in generel

morten mobo@mailme.dk
Thu, 03 May 2001 13:12:21 +0200 (CEST)


I have made a little test file in lyx, and exported it to latex. It included a
little equation and a ps-picture.
I run
 latex2html -math l2htst.tex -debug -noreuse
I'm using rh70 and I just downloade latex2html yesterday so it is a new one.

The math picture:
I get an error - appended as output I.
the thing I notice is that
'usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]'
does not include the '-verbose' option(?!).
So I decided to hack pstoimg in order to remove it.

without the '-verbose' I get the error (from console output II)
'pnmcrop: -black - No such file or directory'
It is now I start to worry. The commandline options that latex2html gives
pmncrop, look alright and two error of the same type is very unlikely - so I
conclude that it is my installation which is the problem. 

the ps-picture: (console output III )
this one I don't understand. It is different from the other error, it appears
that it forgets to copy my ps-file to the temp directory. l2h has the rights to
write in the temp-dir and it also leaves some files when it is finished.

Do you have any suggestions?

-------- console output I ---------
GS>Image "/tmp/l2h1294/p1309.pnm" is PPM, 331x48
Running "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  < /tmp/l2h1294/p1309.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop
-verbose  -bot -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black  |
/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -r -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black  |
/usr/bin/ppmquant  -floyd 256 | /usr/bin/pnmtopng  -interlace -trans '#ffffff' 
> img1.png"
usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]
usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]
usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]
usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]
usage:  pnmcrop [-white|-black] [-left] [-right] [-top] [-bottom] [pnmfile]
ppmquant: EOF / read error reading magic number
pnmtopng: EOF / read error reading magic number
pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  < /tmp/l2h1294/p1309.pnm |
/usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -bot -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black 
| /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -r -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop -verbose  -l -black 
| /usr/bin/ppmquant  -floyd 256 | /usr/bin/pnmtopng  -interlace -trans
'#ffffff'  > img1.png" failed: Illegal seek
Debug (syswait): Finished child process: #1309
 at /usr/local/bin/latex2html line 4181

Error while converting image

------- console output II ----------------
GS>Image "/tmp/l2h1325/p1340.pnm" is PPM, 331x48
Running "/usr/bin/pnmcrop  < /tmp/l2h1325/p1340.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop  -bot
-black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop  -l -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop  -r -black  |
/usr/bin/pnmcrop  -l -black  | /usr/bin/ppmquant  -floyd 256 |
/usr/bin/pnmtopng  -interlace -trans '#ffffff'  > img1.png"
pnmcrop: -black - No such file or directory
pnmcrop: -black - No such file or directory
pnmcrop: -black - No such file or directory
pnmcrop: -black - No such file or directory
pnmcrop: cropping 2 rows off the top
pnmcrop: cropping 2 rows off the bottom
pnmcrop: cropping 2 cols off the left
pnmcrop: cropping 4 cols off the right
ppmquant: EOF / read error reading magic number
pnmtopng: EOF / read error reading magic number
pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/pnmcrop  < /tmp/l2h1325/p1340.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmcrop 
-bot -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop  -l -black  | /usr/bin/pnmcrop  -r -black  |
/usr/bin/pnmcrop  -l -black  | /usr/bin/ppmquant  -floyd 256 |
/usr/bin/pnmtopng  -interlace -trans '#ffffff'  > img1.png" failed: Illegal seek
Debug (syswait): Finished child process: #1340
 at /usr/local/bin/latex2html line 4181

Error while converting image

----------- console output III ---------
Converting image #2
Debug (syswait): Running "/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/pstoimg -type png -debug
-tmp /tmp/l2h1325 -interlace -aaliastext -crop a -scale 1.6 -out img2.png
 at /usr/local/bin/latex2html line 4076
pstoimg V2K.1beta (Revision 1.13, Perl 5.006)
pstoimg: Temporary directory is /tmp/l2h1325
pstoimg: Error: Cannot find file "/tmp/l2h1325/image002.ps": No such file or
Debug (syswait): Finished child process: #1351
 at /usr/local/bin/latex2html line 4076

Error while converting image: No such file or directory

Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory