[l2h] LaTeX2HTML-2K for Win32: thanks, and a question

Steve Mayer mayer@dial.pipex.com
Sat, 3 Mar 2001 13:13:06 -0000

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jose Carlos Oliveira Santos" <jcsantos@fc.up.pt>
To: "Ross Moore" <ross@ics.mq.edu.au>
Cc: "Alan Bridle" <abridle@nrao.edu>; <latex2html@tug.org>
Sent: 02 March 2001 23:25
Subject: Re: [l2h] LaTeX2HTML-2K for Win32: thanks, and a question

> On Sat, 3 Mar 2001, Ross Moore wrote:
> > It was the guide by de Quero and Mayer that I was interested in.
> > Where is this to be found?
> At http://www.mayer.dial.pipex.com/l2h.htm; it is hard to find.
> José Carlos Santos

When I first installed Latex2html on Windows 98, Luis Seidel's instructions
at http://feynman.faii.etsii.upm.es/~seidel/l2h/l2h_eng.html
were the only help I could find. It proved to be very useful to me and many
others in installation. In fact without this page installation can prove to
be rather difficult.

Since then further installation problems have been reported, particularly
with Ghostscript and I added an Appendix to help deal with them. Luis Seidel
gave me permission to host his instructions, together with my amendments, at

I am very happy for others to link to and use my instructions but Luis must
speak for himself. When he wrote to this mailing list last August
http://tug.org/pipermail/latex2html/2000-August/000730.html he said:

"The document is not on the public domain. You can read it and learn from
but not make money with it, or pretend you are the author."

Steve Mayer