[l2h] problem with primes

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 09:51:19 +1000 (EST)

> I have a small problem with primes:
> Running the following LaTeX-file through LaTeX gives 4 times the identical (correct) result, the fifth is wrong.

The 5th is a very dangerous construction, since " is frequently redefined
to produce accents. When it is overloaded in this way, you have to expect
trouble --- advice: do *not* use " for \prime accents in math-mode.

> Running it through l2h gives 5 different wrong versions!
> Compare the attached file "linktest.html" for the diverse html-renderings.

That depends upon which math-mode you are using,
according to command-line options and/or variable settings.
See, for example:


I'd have to delve deeper into the coding to see why
  \prime\prime\prime gives a different result to 
  \prime \prime \prime  in some situations.

All the best,

	Ross Moore

> LaTeX-file:
> \documentclass[english,11pt]{article}
> \usepackage{html}
> \usepackage{babel}
> \begin{document}
> Primetest
> \[f^{\prime\prime\prime}\]
> \[f^{\prime{}\prime{}\prime}\]
> \[f^{\prime \prime \prime}\]
> \[f'''\]
> \[f'"\]
> \end{document}

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