[l2h] problems with "ndbm".
Fri, 06 Jul 2001 23:33:23 +0200
After (not after, but in the middle :-() of a big compilation with
latex2htms, 2.1Kbeta) it fails with an error:
-ndbm ... storage error, error 22
I already had that with my first linux, because if lead PERL chose
"ndbm" instead of "gdbm" (this is due to an empty index, a well-known
feature of latex2html).
Since it appears that latex2html cannot work with "ndbm" but only with
"gdbm" which is tolerant to empty indexes, my question os:
How can I force latex2html to use gdbm and NOT ndbm?
In the previous version, I remember to have changed the name of some
library indicator do disable ndbm, but I do not retreieve that.
Note that my trouble comes from the fact I has to install Mandrake 8.0
becaude this only version handls USB ports.
Daniel Taupin, 91400 ORSAY - France
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