[l2h] graphicx.perl

Bruce Miller bruce.miller@nist.gov
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:29:06 -0500

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Hi Ross; Hi All;

  Among the nice features of the graphic(s|x) packages are that you can
give the name
of an image w/o extension, and it will find the `right' kind for the
circumstances.  However, the current perl version passes the processing
on to LaTeX
to generate an image.

Attached is a proposed version which first looks to see if it can find
an appropriate
pixel image (png, gif, jpeg) and uses that image instead (optionally
copying it to
the HTML tree); if no such image is found, it passes it on to latex as

I'm not sure that I've handled all the interesting, yet doable things. 
One question
I have is whether the presence of options to \includegraphics,
particularly wierd ones
like clipping, rotation, etc, should disable the reuse of the image, or
whether it is
legitimate to assume that the author has already prepared the pixel
image appropriately.
Also, there's no mechanism (yet) to place an reasonable ALT attribute.

Let me know what you think...

Bruce Miller
<bruce.miller@nist.gov>  http://math.nist.gov/~BMiller/
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# graphicx.perl  by Ross Moore  <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>  98/1/7
# same as ...
# graphics.perl by Herbert Swan <dprhws.edp.Arco.com>  12-22-95
# Extension to LaTeX2HTML V 96.1 to supply support for the "graphics"
# and "graphicx" standard LaTeX2e packages.
# extended and revised for LaTeX2HTML V 98.1 
# by Ross Moore <ross@mpce.mq.edu.au>  98/1/7
# Change Log:
# ===========
#  - Extended \includegraphics to simply include an existing pixel image file
#    provided one of the appropriate type (jpeg,gif,png) already exists,
#    rather than always punt to latex to create an image;
#    optionally, copies the image into the HTML directory.
#    Also, minor tweaks to \graphicspath.
#    Question: Should some options to \includegraphics (eg. rotate, clip...) 
#    disable the reuse of the pixel image, or is it a valid assumption that
#    such an image file will already be appropriately formatted?  Or, does
#    there need to be some option to control it.  
#    Also, there's no mechanism (yet) to put a meaningful alt attribute.
#    Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov>  2001-01-23

package main;

# BRM: These are the extensions that we'll look specifically for.
# BRM: Whether to copy existing graphics files into the html tree.
$COPY_GRAPHICS = 0 unless defined($COPY_GRAPHICS);
# BRM: The path to search for graphics files (extended by \graphicspath)
@GRAPHICS_PATH = () unless defined(@GRAPHICS_PATH);

# Suppress option-warning messages:

sub do_graphics_dvips {
sub do_graphicx_dvips {

# BRM: modified to remove \Q ..\E from replacement patterns.
# and to save the declared path.
sub do_cmd_graphicspath {
    local($_) = @_;
    $paths = &missing_braces unless (
    $paths = &revert_to_raw_tex($paths);

    #RRM: may only work correctly for Unix    
    # $dd  holds the directory-delimiter, usually / 
    $paths =~ s/\s*({|})\s*/$1/g;
    local(@paths) = split (/}/, $paths);
    if ($DESTDIR eq $FILE) {
	# given paths are relative to parent directory
	map(s|^{([^/~\.\$\\][^}]*)|{..$dd$1|, @paths);
	map(s/^{\.\Q$dd\E/{\.\.\Q$dd\E/, @paths);
    } elsif ($DESTDIR eq '.') {
	# paths are already relative to working directory
    } else { 
	# specify full paths, by prepending source directory
	map(s|^{([^/~\.\$\\][^}]*)|{$orig_cwd$dd$1|, @paths);
	map(s/^{\.\Q$dd\E/{$orig_cwd\Q$dd\E/, @paths);

    $paths = join('}', @paths).'}';
    map(s/^{//,@paths);		# Strip leading { and trailing $dd

    $latex_body .= "\n\\graphicspath{$paths}\n\n" unless ($PREAMBLE);

sub do_cmd_DeclareGraphicsRule {
    local($_) = @_;
    $arg1 = &missing_braces unless (
    $arg2 = &missing_braces unless (
    $arg3 = &missing_braces unless (
    $arg4 = &missing_braces unless (

    # need a full path to the filename
    $arg4 =~ s/(\#1)/$orig_cwd$dd$1/g
	unless ($arg4 =~ /^\Q$dd\E|\Q$env_key\E/);

    $latex_body .= "\n".&revert_to_raw_tex(

# Utility: Find a file in one of a set of directories, with one of a
# set of file extensions.
sub find_file {

  $dirs = [@$dirs,$texfilepath]; # Include the tex source dir.
  # file name may already have an absolute or partial path
  my @comps=split(/\Q$dd\E/,$name);
  if($comps[0] eq ''){		# Started w/$dd => absolute path (too unixy!?!)
    $dirs = [join($dd,@comps[0..$#comps-1])]; }
  elsif(@comps > 0){		# else prepend path components, if any
    my $pre=join($dd,@comps[0..$#comps-1]);
    $dirs = [map("$_$dd$pre",@$dirs)]; }

  # file name may already have an extension. If so, we're stuck with it (?)
  if($name =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.])$/){
    return '' if grep($2 eq $_, @$exts);
    $name = $1; $exts = [$2]; }

  # Now start searching.
  foreach $dir (@$dirs){
    foreach $ext (@$exts){
      my $file = "$dir$dd$name.$ext";
      return $file if (-f $file); }}
  return ''; }

# Another utility: copy a file into the HTML tree.
# returns the relative path to the file.
# This is a little too unixy, but I'd like to check & preserve timestamps.
sub maybe_copy_file {
  my @comps=split(/\Q$dd\E/,$src);
  my $dst=".$dd".$comps[$#comps];

  # L2hos->Copy($src,$dst); # Now, copy to HTML tree
  # Use unix cp so we can preserve timestamp
  if(!(-f $dst) || (-M $dst > -M $src)){
    system("cp -p $src $dst") 
      && warn "Couldn't copy $src to HTML tree: $!\n"; }
  return $dst;

# ignore clipping request ?
sub do_cmd_includegraphicsstar { do_cmd_includegraphcs(@_); }

sub do_cmd_includegraphics {
  $file = &missing_braces unless (
  $parms = &revert_to_raw_tex($parms);
  $file = &revert_to_raw_tex($file);
  my $after = $_;

  # Should probably test $parms to see that it is appropriate to subst gif.
  my $grfile = find_file($file,[@GRAPHICS_PATH],$GRAPHICS_EXTENSIONS);
  my $image;
  if($grfile){			# Found an image file!
    $grfile = maybe_copy_file($grfile) if $COPY_GRAPHICS;
    $image = embed_image($grfile,'external image',0,"Image $grfile",
			 '','','','','',''); }
  else {			# Otherwise, put in images.tex as usual.
    $image =  process_in_latex("\\includegraphics[$parms]\{$file\}"); }
  join('',$image,$after); }

&process_commands_wrap_deferred (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
graphicspath # {}

&process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
rotatebox # [] # {} # {}
scalebox # {} # [] # {}
reflectbox # {}
resizeboxstar # {} # {} # {}
resizebox # {} # {} # {}

&process_commands_nowrap_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
DeclareGraphicsExtensions # {}
#DeclareGraphicsRule # {} # {} # {} # {}
psfragstar # {} # {}
psfrag # {} # {}

&ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_);
setkeys # {} # {}

1;	# Must be last line
