[l2h] Strange HTML problem
Ross Moore
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 04:26:29 +1100 (EST)
Bjorn wrote:
> When I send a tex file to Latex2html it creates files with very strange HTML
> tags in it.
> The command-line I use is:
> latex2html -split 0 -ps_images -discard -dir /tmp some-file.tex
> What I would like to get is a single HTML file WITHOUT any image files in it
> or included with it.
> The HTML I receive from latex2html looks like:
> ==========================
> <#4#><#4#><#231#>
> <#5#><B>FCC 600 - Schedule A
> <BR>September 1997</B><#5#>
> <#231#>
> <#6#>|l|l|<#6#>
> <#261#><#232#><B><#7#><FONT SIZE="+2">FCC</FONT><#7#>FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
> COMMISSION</B><#232#>
> <BR><#233#><B><#8#><FONT SIZE="+2">600</FONT><#8#></B><#233#>
> <BR><#234#><B><#9#><FONT SIZE="-1">Schedule A</FONT><#9#><#10#><FONT
> SIZE="+2">Administrative Information</FONT><#10#></B><#234#>
> <BR>
> ....
> ==================================
What you are seeing is the intermediate form of your source code,
with all the brace-pairs numbered, to ensure consistency and to
allow the closing brace of any opening to be located easily.
Needless to say, you shoul not be seeing this, when the translation
runs smoothly; so something has gone wrong.
To determine where the error occurs, simplify as much as possible:
e.g. just use:
latex2html -split 0 some-file.tex
If that works OK then add the other command-line options 1 at a time,
until things go wrong again.
Do as much detective work as you can, then send me a URL to see your
results, and save a copy of the screen output, as all the messages have
a definite meaning.
If necessary, I'll take over from that point, to determine and fix
the real bug.
Hope this helps,
Ross Moore
> where of course it should look like normal HTML (so starting with a <HTML>
> tag, then a few <META ....> tags, and then the BODY part).
> I tried numerous things to get latex2html to produce the correct output
> (including playing around with environment settings like TERM and
> COLORTERM), but nothing seems to work. What am I doing wrong??
Best is to *simplify* first, rather than look for specific small
things that may seem to be relevant.
> Regards,
> Bjorn Hermans.
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