[l2h] dcolumn in tables

Ross Moore ross@ics.mq.edu.au
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 04:28:37 +1100 (EST)

> Hi,
> I'm trying to get my thesis online using latex2html. But some of
> my tables come out horrible, I use:
> latex2html -t 'Tijdsdruk en deelname aan cultuur' -dir html/
> -split +1 -show_section_numbers -auto_navigation   scriptie
> for the creation of all the files. In the logs I can see that the
> dcolumn package is not supported. . . . 

HTML has no way to align columns on the decimal point.

> Is there any way around it, so tables made with dcolumn come out
> readable ?

Use conditional coding for the \begin{tabular} line.

e.g.  start your table this way:


> An example of a table (with dcolumn):
> \begin{table}[H]
> \caption{\small{\textit{Correlatiematrix objectieve
> tijdsdrukfactoren}}}
> \label{corrmat}
> \scriptsize
> \begin{tabular}{p{3cm}d{3}d{3}d{3}d{3}d{3}}\\
> \hline
> &\multicolumn{1}{c}1
> &\multicolumn{1}{c}2
> &\multicolumn{1}{c}3
> &\multicolumn{1}{c}4
> &\multicolumn{1}{c}5\\
> \hline
> 1. Arbeidsuren &- &-.52**&.02&.07**&.49**\\
> 2. Huishoudelijk werk & &- &.15**&.10**&-.20**\\
> 3. Aantal kinderen thuis & & &- &.17**&-.13**\\
> 4. Partner & & & &- &.24**\\
> 5. Versnippering & & & & &-\\
> \hline
> \multicolumn{5}{c}\textit{** = significant (p$<$0.01) / * =
> significant
> (p$<$0.05)} \\
> \hline
> \end{tabular}
> \end{table}
> \normalsize
> Or should I remove all dcolumn definitions and replace them with
> other stuff ? (I rather not do this cause that means _a lot_ of
> editing).

Conditional coding is far more efficient.

Hope this helps,

	Ross Moore

> - Wouter
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Wouter van Gils -=- wouter@the-construct.cx
> http://the-construct.cx/
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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