FW: [l2h] Converting images with 2k.1beta
Schmitt, Mark
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:59:35 -0400
Ok, so I started over completely with 2k.1beta. When I ran the configure, I
noticed an error.
Warning: Could not determine GS_LIB path.
Hint: Search for the file 'gs_init.ps'. This directory and the 'fonts'
directory (usually same level) should be set in GS_LIB. Separate the
entries with the ":" character. The current directory "." should be
included, too.
I found the gs_init.ps, in the directory /usr/share/ghostscript/5.50/
I did not find a fonts directory. Could this be the why I can't process
images? If so, how can I fix this?
Thanks again for you help.
Mark Schmitt