[Fwd: [l2h] Re: frames]

Steffen Klupsch Steffen Klupsch <steffen@vlsi.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>
Mon, 24 Jan 2000 20:07:01 +0100

Ross MOORE wrote in April 1999:
> Erling D. Andersen wrote:
> >I would like to use the frames option in L2H, but has some difficulties
> >in figuring out how to do it. I cannot find any manual info.
> No, there isn't any yet
> --- that's why the documentation says v99.1(beta).

Did someone write a bit of documentation for the frames option?
It would make things a lot easier :-)

Regards, Steffen

|   Steffen Klupsch                Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt |
|   TU Darmstadt - FB Inf(20) - FG Integrierte Schaltungen und Systeme |
|   Email:   steffen@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de                        |
|   URL  :   http://www.vlsi.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/staff/steffen/ |
|   Phone:   (+49)6151/16-6650                  Fax: (+49)6151/16-4810 |